Reviews for Sensing Nothing
Girlbender875 chapter 2 . 1/10/2016
Interesting how you use the 2nd person narrative style; it works rather well, and using the present tense makes it feel like you're really in that moment. I'm so glad you wrote both POVs! It was odd and fascinating to see that one instance where Palpatine looks at Anakin as merely some inconsequential person - the only time he would ever see the boy that way! I like how Anakin felt bone chillingly cold; I'm sure most of it was the weather but some was no doubt him inadvertently sensing Palpatine. Great job, very true to the characters - I'm so jealous of how you write Palpatine lol, I struggle with his character in my own stories. Terrific job!
Brievel chapter 2 . 12/22/2015
Eee! Are you a Padmaul shipper too?! :D I thought I was the only one!

Well, well, well, is your nose so big, Palpatine, that you can't see what's right under it?
Brievel chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Oh, my, poor little Ani... the only phase in which he's even halfway decent...
Anarade Relle chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
Quite an interesting scene. A good start to Palpatine and Anakin's relationship. I liked the usage of material from Darth Plaguesis. Good stuff!
o chapter 2 . 5/27/2012
Well done
Torlek chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
I'm impressed to finally see some fanfic inspired by the Darth Plagueis novel. "Plagueis is waiting" sounds a bit too obvious, though, as opposed to Hego Damask.

Keep up the Plagueis inspiration, though!
Darth Lawyer chapter 2 . 4/16/2012
Oh, wow. This is subtle and chilling. Really well worded - both points of view. The line in the novel that Palpatine "sensed nothing" about Anakin intrigued me, but I hadn't considered that it could have been based on actual interaction with Anakin rather than the glance he gives him on the landing platform. The way it happens in this story makes perfect sense. I'm glad someone has explored this in fanfiction!
ILBCD chapter 2 . 4/13/2012
Oh, I defiantly enjoyed it, I've still got shivers running down my spine; Palpatine is really evil!

I've yet to read any of the books (I'm currently working one), but I think you've got me wanting to read the one you mentioned. But yah, that chapter adds allot to the previous one and gives allot of insight... shivers still haven't gone away yet.
ILBCD chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
Ooooh, I loved it. This may be the first time I have ever seen a story written in second-person; and quite frankly, it was pretty awesome. Maybe I should take inspiration and try it someday? I don't know; but I do know that I would like to see it from the other point of view, if you would?

(oh, and the idea that his eyes flashed yellow from 'the lighting', was brilliant)
danceinthedarkside chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
This is very good, Palpatine's POV would be interesting.I enjoyed reading Darth Plagueis too, it gives you a lot to think about. I thought more people would be writing fic based on it. I'm reading A Night at the Opera and Everything Else too, love it.