Reviews for Fatty Fatty Fatso
libbyluvs chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
From being bullied in ways similar to this one I say that the ending of this fic is amazing/awesome/inspiring and just flat out wonderful. It hurts to be bullied and it takes courage to stand up to it. This was a great fic. Plus the ShikaCho pairing fucking takes the cake for me.
OrianPrime92 chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
My heart bleeds for Chouji and I just went 'awwwww' at the end. Definitely adoring this. o3o
FlippedOutFlippy chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
I just realized that I made a grave error! I haven't favorited most of your Naruto stories! And that, is a SIN! XD I must say, I still want to read a second chapter to this story, there just aren't enough ShikaChou stories out there! Same with GaaLee, well, AnyoneLee but still!

I reread your stories and am just reminded on how much I ADORE them!
jj chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
this is great! :)
Miri-Ann chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
From bullying experience, this seriously hit a sore spot in me. Just... Poor Chouji... I cheered for Shika for being the hero, THAT is what good friends are, not those who stay for he good or company but who have your back. I'm going to give a blind eye at the whole holding hands too long because I'm not a big fan of Chouji/Shikamaru, but it will go on my favorite. Just wonderful :)
Rockleerox93 chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
THAT'S CUTE! Even though that bullying part was hard to read through (not because it was confusing)-but because teachers do ignore problems that can escalate-and that kids do tend to pull each other down just because they can-and Choujiawwwwww. If I were there-I'd have did something too. I don't stand for bullshit either. You go Shikamaru (woot).

I loved how Shikamaru was too lazy to give an excuse (ahaha)-I can see him being like, "What? I can't hold your hand?" LOL
wolfeclipse25 chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
Nice ONE-shot ! I liked it!
curvesforever chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
So believable, and sadly true sometimes, but so, so well written I love this, can nearly taste the feelings in it.
FadedImitation chapter 1 . 5/21/2012
This was just- simply- beautiful. You have- deserve all of the feelings and all of the reviews and everything augh. Maybe it's just my being bias showing since I'm a 'fatty fatty fatso' as well. I'm not so fat as chubby nowadays, but I remember a time when the first thing anyone ever thought of me on the first meeting was 'fatty'. I never really got bullied much, mostly as even as a kid I had a very low ego and whenever someone teased me it was more likely that their reputation would go down rather than up, but still; this struck a cord in me anyway.

I'm sorry for taking up your time with something so overemotional and probably not even relating to your fanfic, but I just wanted to let you know how much I - loved? - this.
Adamantyne chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
Wow, this was so good! This is a totally new pairing for me, but I think I may have to read some more with these two.

Your writing is really good; grammar,spelling and the flow of the story. Awesome!

You have to write some more for this, this is not enough xD
just a girl two chapter 1 . 4/24/2012

OMG that taunting of there's was just so mean...T-T

But I love Shikamaru being Chouji's personal hero...XD
ToxicSniper210 chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
I absolutely adored this story. I've always liked the friendship between Shikamaru and Choji and this showed that relationship brilliantly. It was amazing.

P.S. I love how Shikamaru was wearing a Gorillaz T-shirt. :)
EmbertheAngel chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
Thank you thank you thank you. : )

I owe you one! drawing or writing! (writing...will be a looong wait. art would be on furaffinity since itms the only place I could upload on.)

Thank you! I love how you wrote Chouji and Shikamaru. Chouji is too...abused. I feel for him, same type of bullying, but not in that method. : o

Hand holding was adorable. : 3 Thank you! I'm inspired to draw!
HaloGurl6423 chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
THIS WAS SO SWEET AND AMAZING! I adore this cute story poor Choji I don't think he is even that chubby poor thing! I love Shikamaru though he is so awesome! Thank you for another awesome story your amazing!
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