Reviews for Taken From You
Guest chapter 18 . 10/12/2019
Satu Hati chapter 1 . 7/27/2019
I absolutely love this story. So well written and i've read it many times now and every re-read just seems to get better. Fremione is one of my favourite pairings and totally believable for me. There aren't many truly exceptional pieces dedicated to Fred/Hermione so thank you for writing such wonderful goodness.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/28/2017
Wags chapter 14 . 8/19/2017
I heated the way Draco was treated once everyone heard that the Death Eastern knew of their location and we're coming. That is bast off of three things that I know for sure (or at less I think I know for sure) and they are do to the house he was in while at Hogworts, the fact that he is a Malfoy, and his behavior in the past. I understand the last one of the three reasons totally but, I believe is worng to judge a person being bad or an Death Eastern or something close to it based off of the house a person was in or because the family they wereven born in too or if they (sadly) do become an Death Eastern that they can't changes . There are two wizards that prove this you beyou should not base a person either in which hose they were in or what family they were born in to or that they can change from being part Death Eastern to NOT being one, and they are Severus Snape and Sirius Black. Severus Snape proved that not all Slytherin are bad or evil and that a Death Eastern can change and stop being one, Sirius Black proved that one should never judgea person because of the family they were born in to. I hope that Fred, George,and Draco do get the chance to have that drank and hang out. I lovebut am surprised that Luna had asked Hermione to be her maid of honor I thought it would have been Genny. I hope they are able to holder off the Death Eastern until late reinforcementsummer comes I hope that no one else die not even an Death Eastern. Let the Death Eastern live out the rest of their lives in Azkaban then we're every Gideon what them to go afterwards. Please have it end tonight and have the right side win. I ment to put this down for the review for chapter 13 but forgot I really like how McGonagall look right at Harry right in the eyes when she said "With the fall of the Dark Lord we doffer not proceed the burden of the new world on one soul." Harry blames himself to much already he doesn't need others blaming him or him thinking that they do. I think with McGonagall saying that they know not to if they did (I don't think they ever did) they will now stop and Harry will now no that he is not the fourth of this heartbreaking evilness.
Wags chapter 13 . 8/17/2017
More should have made it and the Ministry should have been there. There way WAY to many didn't make it I HEAT the Death Eastern I don't see any good in them no not a lick they are evil yet cowardly (which is one of the worst kinds of evil there is) and they are beyond cruel. I loved how Abby stared everyone to shout out what house they were in while they were at Hogworts although some needed a little shove and really didn't shoutnot naming any (Draco) names here. I loved how that led to some stories telling and remembering and honoringthose who died. Found it funny and sweet that Fred showed Abby and Hermione the secret tunnel and that Fred and Hermione were about to do (I call sex this too) The Drity Monkey Dance until Peeves messes that up.
Wags chapter 12 . 8/17/2017
I was so happy when I found out that Fred and Abby mad it that I wanted to shout year Fred and Abby are alive but. As I continue to read I became sad, and angry and happy again. Iwas sad because so many didn't make it and becouse (to no fault of the older) help did not come fast enough. Angry because up until late the Older showed up there was no one who could use Magicto help and save themselves and others, and also becouse somehow someway I know that the Ministry had do things to do with the chaos. I was happy because Hermione is going to be okay as I said before Fred and Abby are alive and Delco in no longer a Death Eastern (thanks to the wonderful Luna Lovegood) the rest of the Weasley's are okay, and (I knew this was going to happen but still) Hermione and Fred made up.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/16/2017
I heat that just before disaster struck Fred and Hermione had a argument. A argument that had Hermione walking out of the tent mad and upset at Fred words to her and Fred likewise about Hermione words inside the tent. I KNEW somthing like this was going to happen and sadly I was right.I blame the Ministry for what happened someone or someones in the Ministry hada hand in not only what been napping at this so called safe place for muffle borins but what is napping right in this very chapter but the killings of the muggleborns befor hand.I will not lie these Death Easterns are beyond evil and cruel BUT they are also COWARDS and gear in my opinion are some of the fire resins why...
1 They are wearing maskies so no one can see who they are.
2 They strike in unfair situations such as their target is out numberd, or unable to defend themselves.
3 They go street to the most horrible coursies, hixes, and spells mocks the how young their target may be.
I'm glad Hermione whoever save Her did both of them are familiar and both have blonde hair I think I may know who one of them are.I know it is a fouls hope but I hope none the less that no one other then those who you mentioned who died died. I especially hope this to be the case for Fred Appt and the muffle boron kids .
Wags chapter 10 . 8/15/2017
Oh shut it you toadface souless heartless fat-ass git (Umbridge) you are not in any way their friends. Nore do you care for their safety you proved it in the feake sweet voice while telling them they not aloud to use magic threating them harshly if they steep one little toe out of line . you not fouling anyone they know it's a line you know it's a lie and I know it's a lie.I told you she is evil and not to be trusted and you are proving me right this is going to be horribleI feeling that somthing VERY BAD is going to happen before Fred, Hermione and Abby leave and with so few cards and none of the oh let just call them prisone (for it is truly how they are being treated) are able to use any magic. I know Hermione knows they know and Fred know that can do their task with out magic the are capable of doing so and they show it but. That is NOT the point, the point is that magic is a part of really truly apart of Thom and denying them that is like denying Fred and George of their funny , prankster ways and as I sad before somthing VERY BAD is going to happen and happen soon.
Wags chapter 9 . 8/14/2017
I'm glad Fred is now in the camp and is finally is with Hermione after a month and two weeks. I hope that Hermione doesn't in to any trouble for the Ministry workers believing that Fed was really Hermione and that she ran off. Not only because Fred will feel terrible knowing that he is the couse of it (which was his only way into the camp) but because I believe that it will be Umbridge that would be in charge of punishment, and I highly doubt that Umbridge he forgaven Hermione for what she did in the forbidden forest or talking back to her in class not to machen that she dislike all of the houses other then the Slytherins and she loves punishing. I also really hope they don't chach sight of Fred for not only he would be punished but Hermione would as well and I would not be surprise if Abby was too. Hermion is not one to run away from anything so I was not surprise when she told Fred that she needs to stay and of course because she is so is he.
Wags chapter 8 . 8/13/2017
I can't b I forgot to out this down it nut be because was so excited to go to the next chapert sorry if this confucius you. I'm so happy that Fred found a way to get to Hermione and just as happy that Geoge thought to ask Percy how to do some location and tracking spell's for I believe should be more then enough obvious resons. I love Angela she is amazing not only is shwe caring, sweet, patient, kind brave, and beautiful she loves quidditich and she is good at it too it no wonder George loves her. I believe that if Hermione and Angela roles were swich Hermione would be the same as Angela is in this chapter Fred an George pick two wonderful girls.
Wags chapter 8 . 8/13/2017
I was sad and mad when Hermione had to leave the twins not only for her and the twins but also Harry, Genny, Molly, Arthur, Percy, Bill, Fleur, and Ron (for this is NOT the real Ron he is in their some were but something evil is not letting him be him) but. Now I'm worried and mad I tell no good can come of this now that I know Umbrige is involved, they were like seating ducks before Umbrige name came up but now that she is apart of this they are so much worse then seating ducks. When I see Umbrige nameall I see is mayhem destruction and fear.I HEAT this sell of Ron please have him fight that evil monster that is destroying him and get controlof his heat again his been gone long enough. If sadly this is the real Ron and is how he'sgong to stay thend let him have none of the Weasley's or Harry wanting to have anything to do with him . If this is who he really is then he doesn't deserve them and never will. I'm glad that while Hermione is at this camp she has Abby and Abby have her I think with Abby Hermione will stay strong and shane while she there and with Abby having Hermione she'll fealty loved and safe, I hope that the others who are unfortunate enough to be their have someone or something to brighten they day while they are there and I hope that they get out of there soon before any thing to horrible happenso, I don't think I'm goingto get the last one but I still hope for it anyway.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/13/2017
The first hafe of this chapter was a little out of character for Hermione in my own opinion I just don't think Her Hermione acting like this. Again don't get me wrong I believe that she and Fred could habe feelings like very much like this and I can see them...well you know but. Not even close to as hard core as you had ot. The latter part of this chapter was sad I really did get a bit up. I can totally see Hermione acting the way she did and Fred, George and Arthur too when she had to go.
Wags chapter 6 . 8/13/2017
Hum...yeah okay not going to lie that this is totally out of character for Hermione. I really can't see Hermione doing that I just can't sorry, don't get me worng I can see her like Fred or should I say in love with Fred and being with him but. Not what does was doing and where it just in my own opinion not Hermione behavior not in then slightest. I'm not mad just saying how I feel about this chapter is all. I read this story two other time and love and I still do it just this chapter is a little far fach for my liking.
Wages chapter 5 . 8/12/2017 yes it took a while but they did eventually have a big to do for Ron which what is what he wanted and he doesn't even bother showing up. All the while knowing that they whated him and we're proud of him and if he lesson to his heart at all he knew that he know that Molly put a lot of work in to this AND a lot of HEART. Should have seen it coming onceGenny told Hermione and the twins that He would only weight to Harry alert he was an complete and odder heartless pig-headed weasel (sorry to all pigs send weasels) that something like this would happen. As I sad earlier it did take time to get to his big party but there was horrible thin6ging on sad heartbreaking horrible things, how the he'll can he not see that how the he'll can he not care how can he be so heartless with the family and friends he has I HEAT him I really really do. You know what? You could have just left that Ron dich his own party that everyone put effort and love into especially Molly but. No there has to be a massacre too sadly. Why did it have to be a massacre? When is it going to end? Is it going to end? Why can it just end? Bigger question why can't they find these monsters and put an end to their terror? There was a bit of happiness in this chapter and that was right until Ron dichotomy the party and the twins manage to make Molly and everyone else smile before they and Hermione left.
Wags chapter 4 . 8/11/2017
Okay I'm not going to lie this chapter was...well...awkward and (to me) way out of character for miss Hermione Granger but it was goodone Ithe just took me awhile to read it because of the awkwardness of it. I like it though and after reading what Fred told Hermione what Molly told him it seemed just a growing up thing not really dirty or bad or worng just a little awkward and if by chance you get walk in on like Fred did from his story and Hermione did by Fred in this chapter very very embarrassing. Gunny visit was how this awkwardness started but she was just helping Hermione out in her own way. Poor Fred had to hear that it was Genny whof not only Aveda Hermione the idea of it but also told her step by step no bother or sister should hear that about their sibling. I'm not surprisethat Fred didn't tell George about what happened last night even though he is a prankster and jokester and pretty much a kid 24-7 he is also a gentleman and the fact that he care deeply for Hermione make him a little more so for her
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