Reviews for Feelings
Chronover27 chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
3 no words can explain what I feel. U did GREAT! :)
anime.rules.XD chapter 1 . 6/27/2012
I.Will.Be.Free chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
Cutenesss overload :) 3
IzzieGS chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
Sweet. Oh, oblivious Phineas.

Carpe Diem, IzzieGS
doofenshmirtzevilincemployee chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
Okay. Well... Let me start off by saying that I absolutely HATE the pairing. I cannot STAND the pairing. If I could, I would eliminate this pairing from the face of the world of fanfiction.

But I can't, so I won't bother trying. Now, on to the praise.

Because I know I can't control what pairing people use, I am going to give you praise on how the STORY was written.

And... it was very good.

Props to you for trying a... *winces* different pairing than everyone else uses. And the story was very, very well written. The emotions flowed, and it did not go too fast, especially since this is a one-shot and you have a limited amount of ideas to express because it is a one-shot.

So, to recap: I did not like the pairing. I liked the story.

May the odds be ever in your favor...

And, just a question: Why "PhineasFlynns"? What's up with the "s" in there? :D
Poster chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
I'll be serious. I not a big perb fan. It's not that I do not support gays and all they have done. In fact, I applaud their determination and typical bright, truthful, and determined personalitys. I know and am friends with a gay. I just question the possibility of this relationship. They are both brothers by law, and show no indication as being more than such. On the other hand, you have ventured put on a brave limb of fanfiction. You have not made your mainstay in phinnabella! I am so proud of you! It's such a overused topic, unless you can write something truly itouching. If you want to improve from this already good base, I suggest looking into another barely explored topic: character death. If you can write that right, and manage to nail the correct emotions on the gay standpoint, I think you might progress to be a very good writer in the non-traditional sense.