Reviews for The Future Diary
Alexa Sears Nemurenai chapter 2 . 10/17/2013
I love how it varies enough from the manga to actually feel like it is actually the Hetalia characters as the Diary holders! The perspective we have of Matthew's mind really adds a nice third dimension to the story that even Yukiteru's inner thoughts couldn't display!

I love how you used Joan as Matthew's mother, and Francis as his father. That was a really nice touch.

The pacing could have been a bit better, since at some points it felt a little rushed: such as when Ivana first confronts Matthew, or when Third reaches the roof. Likely, however, this was a stylistic choice to match how quickly the events took place.

I really hope this may be continued sometime in the future. It has a touch of brilliance not commonly seen in Hetalia crossovers.
Paxloria chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
I love the manga FUTURE DIARY, but I don't see what this has to do with Hetalia.
Unknown Variable chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
Devilish Aisha chapter 1 . 4/2/2012
Kyaa, Canada as Yukiteru!

I hate Yukiteru's guts, but Mattie as Yuki is cute.

I'm interested, please continue :D