Reviews for OneShot Starship
Olive Sunshine chapter 2 . 5/2/2013
Love this couple! Great oneshot :) if anyone is interested in reading a Taz/Junior story I've just started one called "Thrill and a Drug" and my username is Olive Sunshine. Just incase MadHope or anyone else wants to check it out :)
PurpleFanMagic chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
WOWIE amazing! I love it x
Panda818 chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Loved it. These two seriously need to have more stories! I love this pairing and hope you can write more soon!:)
raptoregg64 chapter 2 . 5/29/2012
Aww, it's too bad that you aren't planning to continue this into a full-blown story. I loved it! I adored how absolutely smug-snake you made Junior, and the comment about him being fun-sized instead of scrawny.

The only objection I was having while reading it was that Junior kissed Taz in such an out-of-the-blue way, but then I got to the part where he tried to grab the keys, and it all made total sense. XD

I also loved the ending line. XD Awesome.

Anyway, great job with this! Maybe I'll write a Tunior oneshot or something one day...
DaisyDoodle chapter 2 . 4/28/2012
I'll see if I can get some people to do it… I would do it myself but I'm really busy with my own story and future stories:)
DaisyDoodle chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
That was great! It would be funny if she kept coming down there and finally he gets the key and discovers its a fake and Taz has the real one on a necklace:)
dead account i've moved on chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
Ooh! I really like that pairing! Great Job! That was really well written and me picturing Brian Holden made it that much better... ;D
almostlover-hopelessdream chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
Although I'm a hardcore TUp shipper, I ADORE this, I know you said that it's only a oneshot but is there any chance you'll write more about Taz going back to him or something? xD