Reviews for Hidden Agenda
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
I disagree. Tony needed to know to protect his money.
dreamer 3097 chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
This is good
IsoldeAhlstrom chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
OH, Gibbs. Poor Tony. I really don't like Senior. Great job, I personally think that you got the personalization pretty good.
1sunfun chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
ladyaloysius chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
Amen is right! Like how you filled in the piece that was missing!
bodewell chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
Oh my goodness. I just kind of stumbled upon your fics, and I'm so glad that I did. You've got a unique style, you keep the characters in character, and you write like a pro. Also, this line: "Gibb's gut dropped down into his sensible Sears boots" cracked me the freak up. I think I love you for it. *dashes off to read more of your fic*
Teddy Bear Writer chapter 1 . 4/1/2012
Nice story!
nicolespics chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
I agree that this episode seemed like it lacked something. I like what you added. I love your last line where you have Gibbs say "his kid".
sophieranier14 chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
That was a good take on the episode. I had never really liked it either, but this back story seems probable. I love Ducky, he's hilarious! Great story!
DS2010 chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
really wish tony found out about his father, then again, would not surprise me if tony already knew. he is aware of what a sleeze his father is.
Long Live BRUCAS chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
Love it even Ducky knew Sr wasnt here to have a reunion with his son. Good thing Tony has people like Ducky and Gibbs that really care about him. And Gibbs cared so much he went to friends to find out Sr real reason for being here. And he got Tobias involved in a way. The man's a shit-sucking bottom feeder-. Go Tobias. Even you dont like Tony father.

the man doesn't have one, at least not that I have been able to examine in the light of day. How our Anthony could possibly share that man's DNA..."

"You too, Duck?" Ha-HA

At least Tony has Gibbs.

I agree with All Hail Hufflepuff even now after appearing in Broken Arrow and Sins of the Father I still don't like senior, and I really hate how Ziva, Abby and McGee have become really fond of him even after all the things Tony's told them about him and the obvious way the man basically neglected him when he was a boy. So true. I wish he would be in another episode and they would come right out and say if Tony was abused. I still think he was at least a bit. I know in chained he said his father was to drunk to do anything but still.
Kateri1 chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Lovely little short
scousemuz1k chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
'Sea of toxic parenting'... 'shit-sucking bottom feeder'... ooh, you have a way with Senior words, gal - I loved it!
Betterbuddy chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
I love your first chapter. You know, I personally always thought that the "real money" was on Tony's mother's side too. I think the DiNozzo side married into money. Very well written chapter. Good character interaction.
AngieFaye76 chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
I love how you have done this. It's insightful and goes well into some of the questions associated with the episode. Thanks for the moment!

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