Reviews for Euphemisms
Luna del Desierto chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
Thanks for sharing!
SixPerfections chapter 1 . 9/24/2015
Laughed. So. Hard. Thanks for writing that. It feels like I havent had a genuine hilarious laugh in a while. It was refreshing. Awesome ;)
Insane Magician chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
This had be laughing

The hanar thing, the toys, the comment on Benezia

I'm scared for Shepard, and envious

Off to read more of your stuff
Sailorette chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Rae, loved the comical chat between these three! This made me laugh several times with how embarrassing this conversation would be. I know I have had my fare share of embarrassing conversations with my in-laws about sex. hahahaha
suziegon chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
Bahahaha! YESSS!
PariahPrime chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
God do I love that dirty old bird. made of pure win!
Sun-Tsu Toriden chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for. They have the most to let go in private, which can make it really enjoyable!
Spikesagitta chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
I always liked Aethyta, even back in ME2, when it wasn't known she was Liara's dad. Now I know why I always liked her!
wolfamodais chapter 1 . 11/30/2012
that was good. the end mad me laugh.
Selonianth chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
lol that'd be a fun scene to watch.
Bkwrmchar chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Cute story. Thanks
birthofthecool chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Talk about uncomfortable. I really like your more humorous stories. You have a knack for them.
demonicpoet chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
This is probably the best femshep/liara/aethyta fic EVER! I was laughing all the way through! The characters were funny and accurate! Excellent work. I really enjoyed it.
the-original-lovelace chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
whoo-hoo that was fantastic! from start to finish I was practically falling out of my chair for laughing. And the best part was I could totally see this as a cutscene, just playing in my head.

Gotta love Aethyta, that crazy matriarch is gonna be the death of Shepard XD
Tayg chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
Once again, brilliant!
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