Reviews for Thoughts in Oneshots
Nina feliz chapter 4 . 4/5/2012
Im soo looking forward to the next chapter :D

Sooo well writed and also there some very funny part XD

Keep the awesome work :D
Nina feliz chapter 3 . 4/5/2012
Cute! I love this chapter.

The conversation before Ted leaves is awesome.. about metioning the axe machins and all that :D
Nina feliz chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
I really like it, full of emotions and Oncie totaly on character :)
ectoaceinspace chapter 4 . 4/2/2012
I really like this! I hope you continue!
Fudgefeather chapter 3 . 3/31/2012
I love how the "You missed me" scene came up. I loved that whole little sequence~ Same with the thing on girls. XD

I also love how Ted recognized how out of touch Once-ler was with the present world. I always thought that myself... XD

In all, I definately love this entire story~
RedAstronaut chapter 4 . 3/22/2012
Ahhhh, I love this! Please keep going! :D Your writing is so detailed!
usachanpeace chapter 3 . 3/21/2012
This is really great! I'll be waiting for the next update!
Sarastro the Queen o the Night chapter 3 . 3/21/2012
I don't think that I can truly express how much I like these. Seriously.

And so, I shall sit here consumed in waiting for the rest of the night. As I do, I shall knit.
eventyraren chapter 3 . 3/21/2012
I don't know what more to say than I like this story. I saw the Lorax films (both the new one and the one from 1972)yesterday, both was good, but I am one that like happy endings so... update soon ok.
Succinct Disquisition chapter 2 . 3/19/2012
Yay! Someone listened to my incessant ramblings! I really like how detailed this is. You did a great job of capturing the Once-ler. . Next part has to be on its way!
Succinct Disquisition chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
I am really liking this so far. . I only found one mistake in it. The eight paragraph (the second real paragraph) had a typo " It would do me – nor anyone else – any good if I did nothing." I think you meant to write, 'It would not do me - nor anyone else - any good if I did nothing.'

I did not mean to edit any part of your story but it just kind of happened... I am very excited for the next part though. :3