Reviews for We Know
PurpleKetloom chapter 35 . 2/21
Waaaa you said one more chapter! Imma follow, just in case you're able to update. I've enjoyed the story so far!
Guest chapter 35 . 9/22/2018

(Please refer to me as random angry assassin. Oh and you know That you can gain the favor of ALL the daedric princes? Imagine that. All 17/18 of them arguing about
Dainial chapter 35 . 6/29/2017
Here's to hoping you'll come back and keep Ness's story going!
Drake chapter 35 . 6/13/2017
Astrid shows back up a few years later

At least that's how I'm imagining it since the last chapter hasn't arrived
Draco Oblivion chapter 25 . 4/18/2017
Is it sad that I still want Nessa to sub her way past Astrid's defences? I was surprised to find you convinced me to ship the trio and Nessbjorn but I still want to see a happier end for the Brotherhood and their survival is almost dependent on calming Astrid's paranoia. I can't honestly imagine it working out but maybe if she'd gone full on submissive Astrid would come around, kinda wonder what it would take or if it were even feasible to come to a peaceful resolution
Draco Oblivion chapter 23 . 4/18/2017
I must be a masochist reading this, I imagine it'll hurt me fat more than I'll enjoy their suffering
Draco Oblivion chapter 20 . 4/18/2017
The honeymoon period interrupted by the crazy family. The manic brother and the fat too intrusive mother, I look forward to how this goes. I wonder if you'll be able to maintain Cicero's presence as anything more than an annoyance
Draco Oblivion chapter 18 . 4/18/2017
God I loved this Babette's a psycho and I think I'm in love... Seriously though just generally awesome chapter and the angst with the trio is just brilliant. Screwing a younger version of yourself is all well and good but sharing that younger version with your husband... Also can't forget that Nessa's growing up and independent and with her becoming Listener the drama will only get better. Too bad as a vampire Astrid probably isn't as insecure about her age as she could be. At least she has her lack of scent to negatively compare herself to Nessa
Draco Oblivion chapter 17 . 4/18/2017
Such a dark way to carry out assassinations, really hope she won't have to do it again. Should be interesting to see the three together again. Also wonder how Brynjolf will fit into this. Are the couple just the means to her sexual awakening before they part ways and she goes back to her red headed thief? Hope not...
Draco Oblivion chapter 16 . 4/18/2017
My god, my cackling at that rendition of Age of Aggression had my cat terrified. She's far too charming for her own good it seems, Arnbjorn is more interested than he'd like and the wrong old man is propositioning her. Wonder how she'll get out of this one...
Draco Oblivion chapter 13 . 4/18/2017
Damn Nessa's too cute, everything just seems like she's being taken advantage of. Ah well, fun to watch her use that to her advantage at least
Draco Oblivion chapter 12 . 4/18/2017
Hehe I love this but I do feel kinda bad for Nessa. Seems her every sexual experience has had an undercurrent of trickery, manipulation or force. From attempted rape, to false promises, to grooming and near death to revenge sex(?)
Draco Oblivion chapter 11 . 4/18/2017
Wow I love reading about messed up people and twisted relationships and Babette and Arnbjorn are such brilliant examples this chapter. The sadistic stirrer and the retaliating cuckold
Draco Oblivion chapter 10 . 4/18/2017
I love the awkward conversations, great way to add depth and realism. Her method of assassination is heartbreaking though
Draco Oblivion chapter 8 . 4/18/2017
I really liked the assassination and her time with Astrid both were quite sweet but seeing the difficulties she had with both were pretty endearing. To be honest though, Nazir did warn her not to talk to her marks, I would've just sniped her with a bow...
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