Reviews for Of Revelation and Truth
Agehaya chapter 3 . 3/21/2012
Overall, I really liked this story. Sometimes I feel that fics are just playing to what shippers want and are too OOC, but I don't feel that way here. I can really see both Peter and Olivia clearly.

I only have two pieces of constructive criticism. It needs a bit of beta work for some spelling errors/misuse (ex: at the start of part II you used "past" when it ought to have been "passed") and I think the prose may be a little too wordy. Using interesting phrasing definitely helps to set a tone and it's the kind of tone I like to read in fics, but too many of them in one sentence (or too many in adjoining sentences) and you start verging on purple prose. Being concise/using brevity can be just as effective.

Overall though, I really did enjoy this and I look forward to future stories. :)
inacent chapter 3 . 3/21/2012
You have a way with words. I felt every emotion Olivia went through as I was reading it and nothing felt unnatural. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.
Amy chapter 3 . 3/19/2012
Oh My! This is amazing, breathtaking, extraordinary! It's how I want things to happen in the show! It's perfect!

I love you :)
Amy chapter 2 . 3/19/2012
"I think-I think you bled through because I pulled you back here, to me." she explains. "In a type of-of quantaum entaglement unlike we've seen before. After you created the bridge, you- you should have been erased from history, from time, but you weren't. You came back. Because I couldn't let you go." she catches herself, allowing her words pause before; " I wouldn't let you go."

This is the best explanation of what's happening in season 4 I've read! and it makes perfect sense!
Amy chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
Yay! a new fic from yours instantly makes my day better!
wobbledygook chapter 3 . 3/18/2012
Wow. Not only is this pretty much what I think could happen on Friday's episode - it was beautifully written. Thank you thank you.
angelamorales514 chapter 3 . 3/18/2012
this was beautiful!
roj chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
I always love your stories. Beautifully written! I am so happy you posted this.
izbels chapter 3 . 3/18/2012
That was really beautifully written. I could just imagine Anna & Josh in his house saying all thise things to each other.
Janelle chapter 3 . 3/18/2012
Oh my GOD. This is amazing. Incredible. Beautiful. I can't. Even. Form. Proper. Sentences. Just, WOW. The last chapter had me sobbing so hard I actuallt couldn't see through my tears. I had to wait a several minutes to leave this review so I would seem at least semi-coherent :P

But seriously this is unbelievably stunning. I actually wish that the next episode turns out like this. Or somehing to this effect. Your writing style, characterization, everything.. I absolutely love. Keep up the fantastic work.
bluestones1 chapter 3 . 3/18/2012
WOW.. I don't have enough words to describe ..WOW, that's it, just WOW.

thank you, love-b
Elialys chapter 3 . 3/18/2012
Ow, woman. I want so BADLY to give you a proper review, like you deserve, but all I seem able to do right now is stare at my screen and rock back and forth, my heart aching so much from every feeling your words just poured in there ;_; These characters...I love them so much I'm not sure it's very healthy, and they give me very peculiar emotions. Few fanfics have that very special vibe (to ME at least), that is just in tune with how I see/feel them and their love. And that's why I love your work so much, because you just get them, and you write about their love so beautifully...It's a real, real treat for me, and I was beyond delighted when I got those three alerts in my inbox telling me you had posted a new fic, and that it was about the current angst on the show.

This was wonderful. I absolutely loved Olivia's explanation on how she brought him back (KILL ME NOW), and how he finally 'gave in' and LKSJDFKLSJFD IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AND MY HEART IS ACHING SO MUCH I CANNOT.

Thank you so much, you've made a happy shipper out of me yet again :')
