Reviews for Meat Sweats, Prancerella, Hell Harpy and Octopussy
Loki-Stole-My-Dalek-At-221B chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
ntomk chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
I got near the end, and thought "Oh my God, is there anything gayer in the world"

Then I realised we only had five-sixths of the recurring gay cast, and that Brittany would have rounded us out for six.

In answer to my question: there is one degree gayer.
nessyschu chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
This is like crack. Omg. Love it. Fricking hilarious.
TrappedBetweenTwoLungs chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Can you just put the title of this fic on my headstone? Because I pretty much just died laughing.
I'm not even joking when I say that I've had nights/mornings like this it's scary.
Ugh, so fucking perfect. I love you. Like a lot.
The Silver Fallen chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
I will now use all of these nicknames. They're perfect.
stormseaker chapter 1 . 6/27/2012
This is awesomely funny. I love it, thanks for posting it :)
AvidReader342 chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
Hilarious and fantabulous. The sheer brilliance has me speechless
Goddammit-Patrice713 chapter 1 . 5/9/2012
Ugh, now I really want a spin-off of them in NYC.
Shifteraei chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
This is fantastic.

And I have to be honest, I really like the idea of Dave going to Dalton. I think it would be good for him.

This is totally brilliant though. Totally.
alicemayisbetter chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Oh my god. I just had the most awful, traumatic day, full of drama and *uncertainty* about my *future*, oh no-

but then I read *this* and it was like, um,


Seriously. So amazing. So fucking funny.

spindletwig chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
I read this over on lj a few days ago and went through your entire back catalogue on there because everything is so bloody awesome. Kurt, Blaine, Santana and Cooper is the BEST combination of characters possible, and you've done an amazing job :D
pinkvegpixie chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
"Well, besides the Queen of the Munchkins." Santana sips her coffee. "I meant Rachel, Blainers," she says as an afterthought. "Not you."... LOL

I loved this 3
BloodRedLust chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
Fucking fabulous... too many good bits to mention. Going on the faves list so i can reread. xoxox

somebetterwords chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
I'm secretly dreading the return of Glee because I'm doubtful that their Cooper will be as good as Coopers like yours. Also, it is my greatest wish to have the gay squad live together and love each other and take over the world on a cable tv show with frequent guest appearances by Cooper (and Tike). Thank you for tying up Dave and Sebastian's storyline with such a pretty ribbon and having SOMEONE call Sebastian out on being a creepy shithead. Though I'm wondering why Karofsky wasn't given a good talking-to as well. Please make this a 'verse!
smilesandsuch3 chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
I loved this! xD

Cooper was so silly, all the sexual jokes, fluffiness with Santana, Protective!Older Brother.

Yay! :D
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