Reviews for Just a Bit
D3ADLOCK303 chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
I don't know why I' m bothering, but you chose a poor way to kill Alex. His regeneration assures that ripping him apart will not kill him. He regenerated from a few cells after a nuclear explosion, after all. Vaporizing him would have been a much better choice.
joel chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
This is pretty good, especially in light of the most recent haruhi book which revealed that Itsukis secret desire is to be a shonen protaganist.

I don't even like him that much but I love reading stories where he gets to kick ass.
Ciruno chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
This is actually pretty good. If its a oneshot, it was pretty well made. If there was a sequel, I would like to read it