Reviews for In Love and War
bluebird111 chapter 1 . 7/7
So umm will there be anymore updates , asking for a friend?
no no chapter 1 . 1/4/2019
I really miss your itasasu stories. just sayin...
FluffBomb chapter 5 . 8/19/2017
Please sir, may we have some more?
Izumikii chapter 6 . 7/1/2017
Very interesting story , I would've never thought I'd stumble upon a story written in an Athens/Greek mythology AU. Man, I hope itachi doesn't somehow end up as his brother ( probabaly not right ? )
fanofthisfiction chapter 6 . 5/13/2017
I love this addendum of Spark Notes. Venturing into another time with an old style of writing, had me me quite impressed with your talents. There is nothing conventional about the story and that's what you do best.
fanofthisfiction chapter 2 . 5/13/2017
Insinuations of many kinds dance throughout this chapter and I shiver at what implications might result with a taking up of Orochimaru's not so subtle suggestion. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/12/2017
Itachi please don't fall in love with sasuke so easily.. let sasuke love you first..:)
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 5 . 5/11/2017
I don't think Sasuke should go and meet with Danzō again. I love the interaction between Sasuke and Itachi. I love the pairing Sasuke/Itachi! I’m looking forward to when they both start going out with each other. I love this story so much! Cant wait for more!
Lucian chapter 5 . 5/9/2017
Holy fuck yes! It has been eighty years!

Thank you as always!
Raine Darkmore chapter 5 . 5/4/2017
Very interesting. So does the mighty sasuke get the lovely Itachi. Please add more.
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 4 . 4/7/2017
I love the pairing Sasuke/Itachi! They are so cute and adorable together! Itachi is my favorite character! I love bottom Itachi! I love the interaction between Sasuke and Itachi. I hope there’s a happy ending between Sasuke and Itachi. Could you please continue writing this story? I love it so much! I hope you keep writing it.
Luieduie chapter 1 . 1/5/2017
Oh my goodness! This is amazing! First chapter and im drawn into your world! Ive never encountered a fic like this before. Beautiful imagery and words. Aaaand itachi! I do hope you can update soon
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
Wonderful regal capture on a new kind of story. The eloquence and air to this story's first chapter is new and fresh. As always, great capture on the character and exciting beginning of a potentially romantic story.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/18/2016
this is gorgeously written. Please update!
fanfic-lover-10 chapter 5 . 6/16/2016
you updated.. i am soo happy... thankyou author sama
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