Reviews for Catching Fire
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
That was weird. Too OOC for Kate. I liked the beginning though.
GT500RonSmith chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
Pretty good M-rater for a first time! I sure liked it and I liked the story line a lot! Dreaming it in front of her and moaning her name! Excellent! And now his dreams will come true! Perfect!
EllaNight chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
I loved that! Amazing! You should write another chapter! :)
Twyger chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
Great "M" rated fic! I loved how the first part was just a dream and that she overhead him moaning! Poor guy and so confused as she played with him - but they both were going to get what they wanted in the long run! Thanks for your great imagination, for writing this, and most important for sharing!
txbethg chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
Hot. Nicely done. :)
tfnmal23 chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
That was intense. I'm right there with Castle. Phew. Beckett is so hot!
Deb838 chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
Oh brother... what can you say after that?

That was fun & funny & sexy & cute.

I thought it was a little OOC, and then when realisation struck - I got it!

Well done!
angusdei chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
i am pretty sure i have reviewed this, but apparently i'm wrong. :p

all i can say is, M-Rated? Yes, Please!

and the way you wrote it is as always, amazing. I love it! ;]
Cora Clavia chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
effie214 chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
I not only want to look you in the eye for this, I want to hug you for it. Hell, I want to do a happy dance with backup dancers and a fog machine. Because this is the greatest thing in the history of ever, and all I need to know now is what color you'd like the shrine that I'm building you to be. :)

Seriously though - if you'll pardon the pun - it's exceptionally hard to write smut, let alone engaging, funny, thoughtful, in-character smut. Others have tried the "he fantasizes about her and then the fantasy becomes real," but few have actually done it well. The whole "do you know how hot it was hearing you moan my name?" left me breathless with ache and anticipation. I think Beckett echoing what she did in the dream in the "real world" validated the dream at the beginning of the piece, and honestly, that's why it's so hot to me. Again, you just KNOW these characters, and even in a situation we haven't seen them in, I still recognize them. Kudos.

Two sections made of awesome: "No," she said firmly, cutting him off. "I've had enough of waiting. What is it, Castle? Three and a half years of foreplay not enough for you?" I clapped aloud at this. Which was awkward because it's 3:15 AM right now and my partner is trying to sleep. Whoops.

"Seconds and minutes melted away, their mouths meeting and then parting again, their hands roaming in exploration and assertion as they laid their claim to one another, an unspoken but unbreakable promise." Again, I just love that lyricism and subtle acknowledgment of everything that brought them to this point.

Another stellar piece from you. Thanks for a wonderful read.
samlis chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
Hahaha, the second part was incredibly amusing, I loved it! I thoroughly approve Beckett's interrogation tactics. Hot and funny at the same time))) I could hear her voice when she asked 'what was I wearing, Castle?' Also, my husband says that the M-part is exactly what a guy's dream looks like. Don't restrain yourself if you'd want to write another M-rated fic)))
mojor chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
loved it! i'm happy to forgive the dream being too detailed, I say that if Castle is going to dream about Beckett he may as well dream in technicolour detail!

nicely done.
14ulysse chapter 1 . 3/15/2012

First thing I thought when I read the title was the Hunger games! And I couldn't think of how that would relate to Caskett. But since you wrote it I decided I would read it as "light bedtime reading" COULD I HAVE PICKED A WORST "LIGHT" STORY!
I can't stop laughing.

I definitely didn't see this coming. "this" being a) M-rated story and b) Beckett practically naked in a coat coming to castle's place.
I was just gaping at my screen. Lol. But then it was a dream, which I thought was a sad way out but then you made it perfect by having it be in the precinct WITH KATE HEARING!
I just, should've read the ratings.

To write good sex scenes though lady, not that I know what I'm talking about but this definitely felt detailed and real! I do hope your real life friends didn't read haha.

Now I gotta find an actual "light" story if I want to get some sleep tonight!


Sent from my iPhone via Pocket Fiction
KatScarlett chapter 1 . 3/12/2012
Great story. Loved it. It would truly be a pity if you never again wrote another M rated fic. You have a knack :)
Tadpole24 chapter 1 . 3/12/2012
Oh you are so brave! I remember the fear of posting my first M rated fic...and it was only M because I was so paranoid. This was every bit worthy of its M rating and you should be proud that you did it :)

And phew, what a hot one! :)

I didn't cotton on at all that it was a dream and when it was I have to admit I was a little disappointed because I really wanted them to be in the throes of passion. hehe. But then you made me feel all tingly again with the ending :) It was so sweet and sexy all at once.

Once again, you should be proud :)

Thanks for writing and congrats on your first M rating :)


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