Reviews for I'll Be Mother
AshenMoon42 chapter 20 . 9/27/2018
Great! I love the bit about talking to a skull (SO Sherlock), and how a fourteen-year-old gave tips to the police, and the bit about Sherlock never being paired up, always isolated and alone. Mycroft's POV is really interesting on his view of Sherlock and their relationship. Your writing style is really nice, too. Excellent work!
NotYourHousekeep chapter 20 . 4/4/2018
This was such as amazing book!
I adore Mycroft in this, and the canon-esque of the storyline was great.
I thank the author for writing it.
sakuzi-chan chapter 18 . 9/30/2016
Somehow amidst all the tragedy, I like this chapter's ending. Thanks for the read.
peaceandlove23 chapter 20 . 1/27/2014
I just read this all in one setting hand you deserve a standing ovation! Seriously, I usually don't read Sherlock!fanfics, but this was amazing! It really felt like I was watching Sherlock and Mycroft grow up and the family crumble over the years, and I loved that it was from Mycroft's point of view (I had to play "mother" for a few years to my lil bro, the circumstances not as severe, but I felt myself identifying with Mycroft-worrying about his brother and mother and feeling too old for it all). This was exceptional!
Sweet End chapter 20 . 7/16/2013
It wraps up well and was interesting to read.
You have a good skill in understanding what the character's thoughts are and their reactions to events.
I like what you've done and I hope you continue writing Sherlock Fan-fics for the sake of people's enjoyment and (hopefully) your own.
It was a joy to read, thank you for creating it.
Have a great day!
Brilliant chapter 2 . 7/14/2013
I have been curious for quite a while about the Holmes family and this does help.
It's shows the chemistry between the different characters brilliantly (E.G. the mother and the father, the nannies and Mycroft.
I hope to find out more about what happened to their mother and father's relationship (what made her leave) and how the brothers bond over time.
Great start chapter 1 . 7/14/2013
I'm sorry it's a late review.
This is an interesting start to a collection of stories.
I look forward to reading more.
kateomega97 chapter 20 . 4/3/2013
That. Was beautiful. I've read a lot of sad fanfictions. This one had me crying every chapter. You know when they kill the dog in all those dog stories and you feel like your rib-cage is going to squeeze your lungs and your heart and your soul until it collapses? That feeling, on every chapter. And I'm no crier. It wasn't even Sherlock that made me sad. It was the fact that Mycroft was the constant caretaker, the teacher, the guardian, and her received no thanks for it. And he constantly wished for the little kid Sherlock, and he wanted so badly to be in control but growing up changes a lot of things. And in this case it was for the worse for a fairly long amount of time, which is something everyone can relate to. I'll be favoriting you. That was perfect and I hope to write like you some day.
Delphine chapter 20 . 1/31/2013
OMG that was brillant ! well written, interesting ... seriously, you've got some talent. Keep it going !
Larahna Steadyblade chapter 20 . 12/27/2012
lolello chapter 20 . 12/16/2012
This was awesome :D I'd love to hear more of mycrofts views on John though, see more interactions between them. It was amazing though, well done :)
Auburn Red chapter 20 . 10/27/2012
What a sweet story. I am a sucker for the Mycroft Sherlock brotherly relationship and how it played into adulthood. Mycroft certainly tried to be a good "mother" figure to him and I think did as best as he could under the circumstances. And in his own strange way he does understand his little brother, probably the only one who really does. What a great story and a terrific way of bringing these little snippets of their childhood and have them echo to their adulthood. :D
alljuststories chapter 20 . 8/21/2012
That was one of the best Sherlock and Mycroft childhood fics that I have read. I love the way you described their family, and how some chapters were so heartwarming and made the reader smile, while others had just the right touch of sadness. Wonderful job!
Katherine chapter 20 . 8/14/2012
This was amazing. It was brilliant. It was genius. Seriously, I loved every minute of reading this. :) 3
ITell chapter 9 . 8/13/2012
Good writing, but I think I heard somewhere that Mycroft has more powerful deductive skills than his little brother and did infact teach Sherlock how to deduce things in the first place, (a little snippet of this is kind of shown near the beginning of TGG, after the explosion on Baker st: "How's Sarah, John? How was the lie-low?" "Sofa, Sherlock, it was the sofa." Glance at John. "Oh yes, of course.")
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