Reviews for Needed
SpecH82T chapter 4 . 11/22/2013
Eyyyyy you should continue this! :)
Valkarious chapter 4 . 3/14/2012
A very interesting pair :3 looking forward to reading more !
Thanatos34 chapter 4 . 3/13/2012
I'm enjoying this one a lot. I'm sure there were a lot of mad Shoker fans when Joker turns you down in ME3. That's what our imaginations are for, I guess. :P

Since we need them anyway to come up with a better ending than those crappy ones Bioware gave us, lol.
AD Lewis chapter 4 . 3/13/2012
I notice that you...break up sentences...a lot. Can be...quite annoying to read.

Only a few errors this chapter spelling wise. Same with grammar (I'd avoid starting sentences with the word 'And' if I was you).
AD Lewis chapter 3 . 3/7/2012
Violated with a rake? Sounds like fun!

Anyway, on to business. This chapter was very rushed and did not seem to flow as well as other chapters. Granted this part of the game can be the dullest (IMO), but a little bit more elaboration would help a great deal. As to the flow - some of the sentences lack full structure.
AD Lewis chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Promising start, setting the tone well.

Have you by any chance read "A Star To Steer Her By" written by ShadesOfMauve ? Its a femshep/Joker fic similar to this.

Will read the rest now :)
tufi chapter 3 . 3/6/2012
Wow! I really enjoyed your approach to this fenshep/joker fiction. You actually manage to make this fragile sheppard work and very believable and i'm very excited to see where this is going :D also... i just can't get enough of joker xD