Reviews for Hellsing Ultimate Fanmade Guide
Lilfoc chapter 2 . 11/7/2017
Your points about Pip are interesting but I think him not becoming a goul has a lot to do with the fact he died before Seras drank his blood (though that is potentially debatable...I feel the way it was presented indicates he died prior to his blood being drunk) also its significant that we have that section where Shroginger explains that blood offered is different from that taken. Pip offered his blood out of love for Seras (the only reason she drank blood) whereas Alucard is always shown drinking blood by force. Pip therefore has more agency because of that (as opposed to servitude). It also could have a lot to do with Seras herself...of course she would grant Pip, someone she loves autonomy that Alucard wouldn't to his enemies.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/8/2016
Hey, I just revisited the Hellsing series now that I'm older and equipped to understand the more philosophical aspects of th series. Your lovely guide-book articulated and answered a lot of my burning questions about the characters and the plot lines in a very logical and sensible manner. Thank you for taking the immense time and effort to curate this list. I really appreciate your viewpoints and sensibility as a manga enthusiast.
itsdeadthisaccount chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
listen shadowss nightmare

yeah I do agree with you however i didn't umm like what you said about alucards relationship with seras.I did not like how you said that alucard is an sink and swim mentor...which i kind of annoyed me...he did all he can for seras.
lost bye chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
Umm...Avenging neko
Im bothered about what you said an bit...
...But it also irritates me when they make Alucard too soft hearted suddenly to his fledgling. iCard. Is. A. Monster.

With a sadistic manipulative streak and anything he feels like. Mind games with his childe? Sure why not. I agre that they're more like pets, a source of amusement and distraction until the. Ext fight where he just might find the opponent that can end him.
( alucard will not do that to seras in the series..Thats an bit too cruel...And knowing alucard he is not in love with seras he loves seras as an alucard does do that to seras...seras might declare war on alucard for revenge for the abuse he did to her if he did do that to seras.)
patterpat chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
Ok...avenging neko... when you said The relationship between them can go a lot of ways when done right, my favs are the darker ones. Hehe. I'm mean to characters and like to see them suffer.
Really how is that done right?...alucard beats seras..and seras stays with him...and still loves alucard despite he abused her...that is *** up...If alucard did do that to seras...she would try to kill him abusive love is Not sweet.I hate those types of stories

You do know in cannon alucard will never abuse seras and he will not backstabbed her trust and etc..And if alucard did hurt and abused seras...Seras would go angry and try to kill alucard for revenge
Takeshie 96000 chapter 6 . 5/6/2014
I love that little guy! But just as you said he's unfornaly a nazi, a brainwashed nazi so you can forgive him but a still a nazi.
Something I keep wondering about though is the way the major summerised why he can't reaper is that he can't desigwish him self from the thousends of other souls with in Alucard. But now the are no longer there and he just has to recognise him self from Alucard and him self. It just seems like there wound't be much holding him back
25Tachigami chapter 4 . 1/30/2014
Very interesting and impressive guide. I appreciate how you are not trying to force your opinions on other Hellsing fans and are simply going off of the facts. I've seen other people create guides and such, but many of them come off as highly disrespectful and arrogant, and talk as if they are the author.

I agree that Seras is not a character made solely for fan service, but the fan service aspect of her really just degrades her into being a sex object at certain times. As a character, I think she deserved a lot better, such as giving her a sensible and cool outfit instead of a military mini dress (which looks completely stupid), giving her more backbone and self respect towards the end of the anime, and by eliminating all fan-service aspects of her.

I don't agree with everything you are saying, but your guide has certainly given me some very useful new insight and info on the characters (I've only watched the OVA episodes). I have considered eventually writing my own Hellsing fic, and this has really helped, so thank you very much for your time and effort.

To me it seems you have a really good grasp on the characters and their personalities. As a writer who likes to keep the characters in character, I can't help but to hold you're analysis and opinions in high regard. Sorry if this is a weird question, but, is it at all possible I could ask for your opinion on Integra's characterization in a future Hellsing fic I have hopes on writing? If no I completely understand, but it just seems like you'd be one of the best people to ask.

On a side note, I wouldn't recommend trying to advice people on how to write their stories. The purpose of FanFiction is to break the rules and expand on our favorite stories (like Hellsing) into ways that appeal and excite us. No fanfic writer should feel obligated to stay true to the canon universe of the original works, original character personalities, or anything. If the reason is to respect the original works of the author, than FanFiction should probably not exist. If authors are offended by people's FanFictions than they should request removal of their works from the FanFiction website. Your advice may be true if a person wants their FanFiction to have a higher chance of success and popularity, but in no way is it how people should be writing their stories. In my experience, the best way to write a story is by following your inspiration and putting heart and soul into your work, weather that be by making pregnant vampires in the Hellsing universe or not...

Although, if you were simply offering general friendly advice and writing tips, than ignore all of what I just said. I couldn't help but to mention something simply because setting out rules such as: "If the chosen Anime's mythology doesn't approve your idea, you better choose an other Anime to base your fanfiction on." seemed a little arrogant and narrow minded, if you ask me. Anywho, I'm not trying to offend you or anything, I'm just going off of my own experiences :)

Thanks again for this guide!
lethean thoughts chapter 7 . 10/12/2013
hello. this is a very nice guide. i'm quite new to the hellsing fandom. unfortunately i haven't read the manga but i really love the OVAs. anyway, will you be writing about walter soon? in my opinion, he is the most interesting character in Hellsing. his betrayal saddened me but it made me love him.
FaeryTale Faever chapter 3 . 9/24/2013
Found this by chance and thought I'd give it a read. I've only read the Seras Victoria section so far because she's far and above my favorite character, and truthfully the main reason I watch and read Hellsing. .

It's so refreshing to find another person that acknowledges Seras Victoria as a badass and respectable character in her own right, rather than dismissing her as mere fanservice, an annoying tagalong, Alucard's servant, Alucard's squeeze, or whatever. I think assuming she's nothing but fanservice just because she happens to look pretty is shallow, and writing her off as weak or wimpy just because she isn't... well, bloodthirsty like Alucard or ruthless like Integra is selling her short.

Like you, I think her kindness is her strength. In a world where people constantly resort to monsterhood or villainy because of the terrible things that happened to them (like Alucard's tragic past) or what they fear will happen to them (like old age or death for most turncoat vampires), Seras is admirable for choosing to be the better person and do the right thing, no matter what. She also never lets anyone bully or coerce her into doing anything she believes is wrong, which, in a way, makes her stronger than anyone else in the series.

Of course, this is a double-edged sword as her refusal to drink blood puts herself and others into unnecessary grief. (For example, the Sword Dancer arc, where she nearly gets killed by Anderson, and Zorin's attack on Hellsing in volume 6 and 7, where I can't help but feel she could have saved the Geese had she drank sooner). Still, no one's perfect, right? Saves her from Sue Territory.

Can't say I like her TV adaptation though. I did when I first discovered Hellsing as a depressed 16-year-old highschool student smitten over Alucard, and loved how TV Seras acted as a POV protagonist for us normal human viewers new to Hellsing and possibly crushing on Alucard... but then I grew up and got over it. While I kind of like how they made her smarter, I don't like how they made her so mopey, co-dependent on Alucard, or have that weird daddy complex. Just thinking about her deflates my mood, while manga/OVA Seras is a little ray of sunshine. _

Anyway, very interesting. Might read more soon.
Storyteller222 chapter 7 . 8/18/2013
That question was to be off the record, you didn't need to publish it onto your guide

Though I do wonder what you mean by Society in Hellsing
Seika Hellsing chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
You are wrong about one thing. I met Hirano at Otakon 2006 and after I asked him, he clearly stated tthat, not only was the original book an inspiration, but so was ccoppola's movie. It's. Even in the manga, (volume seven, near the end). It says:

"Once a vampire came to England to get a woman he personally desired..." ( something like that! It's bbeen a while).

It's even stated in the Manga thaat "Dracula lost the girl" Van Helsing yelled that at him. So, yeas, Hellsing universe is a bit different...but don't say that Hirano only saw the book as iinspiration when he himself stated the mmovie plyed a big role as well.

I've been a hellsing fan for over ten years aand an avid vampire fan forever (I'm 24). Don't get me started on Vlad the Impaler, he's one ofmy heroes (btw, Vlad wasn't a very religious man as you state...but then again, history isn't very accurate, especially since it's over 500 years of it.)

Enjoy writing your guide, I'll just sit here and read the official guide that came out in Japan and stick with that.

Have fun!
TheCypher48 chapter 4 . 8/13/2013
Didn't find this before, since I can see you've tag it under the A&S section. But I put it in my favourite as soon as I finish reading this chapter of your work. Honestly I only read these two chapters carefully, because I've done reading Dracula and some research of the background, too. I really like your analyses about Seras, she's also one of my favourit characters XD. And your thoughts about fics here are awesome. Can't agree more about it.

Now let's talk about fans.
I've seen people complain about Twilight and compare it with Hellsing. There are often two kinds of complains you could tell apart immediately: "What a stupid storyline it is! Where's the logic?! Look at Hellsing! " and, "What kind of vampires they are!? Vampires are dark and much more HANDSOME than that! Look at Hellsing! "
So that's a little difference. No offence to anyone or Twilight.

I think, that it doesn't matter which ship we like in fanfictions. In different way maybe, but it's always the feeling liking or even loving someone. It's never my business what the others want to think. I wouldn't go through any shipping sections I don't like. Don't like, don't read, right?
But the problem is about communication. And oh the basic logic. For example:
"He saved her with his life and she drank his blood(ONLY his blood) for saving them. " "Well they are only friends. "
"He served her with respect and she trusted him unconditionally even he's a monster." "Well they are only family. "
"Hirano said it's impossible for them to have a romantic relationship." "THERE ARE TRUE LOVE BETWEEN THEM and that's CAONON! "
...Sure, why not. Confuse the truth and the possibility and what you think as you like. It's never my business to care.
Just one more thing to mention. We should respect the characters, the ones we like, and the ones we don't. Respect them, for they are characters from a manga we like. At least don't INSULT them. They don't belong to us.

Thank you for your work, it's very meaningful and useful. I'm expecting your next chapter about Anderson, one of my favourite characters, too : )
Storyteller222 chapter 6 . 8/11/2013
Well it's good to see you're up and running again Mr. Robert, I hope we can chat again like we did on deviantART and hopefully you'll do a chapter on analyzing the rest antagonists of Hellsing

Til then later.
Nevamyne chapter 5 . 8/3/2013
Very nice guide. And the thought of rabid AxS shippers raging is hilarious haha! They expect you to respect their opinions but they don't respect yours, so typical of this fandom. Anyway I think you should continue with this, it seems you are getting mostly positive feedback from your reviewers. It certainly might enlighten a few authors to write better quality fics and god knows this fandom is lacking. Until next time -Nevamyne
GamesRMine chapter 5 . 5/29/2013
I would love to see you talk about Alexander Anderson.
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