Reviews for The Fairest One of All
Cap'nFrances chapter 10 . 1/1/2014
Beautiful story. I really appreciated the compassion and openness of our Enterprise's crew (especially Trip, who risked his life) and Charlie's courage and devotion to his daughter.
PBIceCream chapter 10 . 3/3/2012
I just love this story, thank you!
Olivia Solar chapter 10 . 4/18/2006
Great story. Really got me on the edge of my seat waiting for the fight at the end.r, the baby sounds so cute.

I also like the way it shows how we should be grateful for what we have.
ChRsTiNe17 chapter 10 . 7/28/2004
great story.
Gabi chapter 10 . 4/4/2004
This story was always one of my favourites. Seems like I haven't reviewed it when I read it the first time. Greetings from Germany
cole chapter 10 . 12/14/2002
Good story kinda figure u set yourself up for a sepuel about trip doin just that goin to look for his lil girl.
neenee1 chapter 10 . 11/8/2002
I enjoyed your story very much. I plan on reading your other ones too. Thanks for the entertainment. Your on my Author Alert list.
Evaryn chapter 3 . 9/13/2002
i never saw that episode (where triip gets pregnant)... still, interesting fic!
SpaceCowboy chapter 10 . 9/6/2002
This is the second story of yours I've read, and again, I really liked it. There were parts that seemed to drag a little bit, and there was a bit of a redundancy issue, but it flowed well enough. I noticed that you (and yes, I'm guilty of this as well), tend to overstate things; be it description, emotions or scene ambiance. I guess it's what they call show and tell, and you tend to tell too much. You tell a story well, and you don't need to repeat a certain emotion over and over again. How a character replies in a dialogue says enough, you don't have to restate it in some sort of descriptive passage. A broad example of this would be how the crew was realizing Charlie's other world- you kind of kept telling, not showing, and repeating the telling part. Also, the whole shower scene was a bit too unrealistic. It's hard to believe, even a world like Charlie's, would not comprehend the concept of a gift. You also seemed to make Charlie a little too child like, even more so than the character needed.

But, and this is a big but so listen, you had some really great parts! I laughed and had to re-read certain parts cause they were so humorous, and not to mention, well written. Examples would be; 'No. Not again. Still.' And, 'Oh that was a fascinating tidbit.'

So, on the whole, great job. And I look forward to reading more of your work. I have to say, so far, you're my favorite 'Enterprise' author. And no, it's not just because you write about my hunka hunka burnin' love, Trip. Hehe.

fanosmith chapter 10 . 8/18/2002
Ahhhh, as satisfying as Chef's pecan pie must be :)

Thanks for another great read.
TripGirl05 chapter 10 . 8/12/2002
Awesome story! I'm so glad that Charles is the new captain of the Enterprise in that dimension, and I absolutely LOVED that Charles and Trip beat the A/U Captain Archer up! That was the best! I mean, I like Captain Archer, but not the A/U one at all. It was the most satisfying thing to read, especially after everything he did. (hehe) Especially when Charlie was like, "This is for Danny, an' Hoshi, an' the Denobulans, an' this is for my baby!" Too much good to say to write it all!
Annie Hall chapter 10 . 7/18/2002
Wonderful story! Was worth the wait for the ending. Thanks for sharing it!

Buried in Blue Snow chapter 10 . 7/17/2002
Cool fic! Held me from beginning to end. :3 Great work.
JosephineLL chapter 10 . 7/16/2002
this is such a nice story. You made Charlie quite believable as Tucker, but still his own person. sweet! :)
Annie Hall chapter 8 . 7/12/2002
Excellent A/U story. Can't wait to read the ending! Need to know what happens to the good Archer's Trip and the poor crew on the Bad Archer's ship. :)
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