Reviews for Chance Encounters
Lexxxloubell chapter 15 . 9/9/2018
I wish you had finished this. I really do like it.
KBPhoenix chapter 15 . 1/10/2017
Oh my god this is amazing! Completely rooting for Jagger to marry and turn Nyx. They are so cute together! Can't wait to read more!
KBPhoenix chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Only read the first chapter and I'm already in love with Nyx's fashion, because it's still my ideal style on a daily basis. I just need to go to Hot Topic more after finding a job.
makalashultz chapter 15 . 7/6/2014
Ahhh! I love it more than I could ever scream. And trust Me that is a lot. Please write more? I can't wait to read more.
seanna chapter 15 . 7/29/2013
Love it! Your story was a pleasure to read, pretty please write more
j-a-g-g-e-r-love chapter 15 . 6/22/2013
please update again soon! I check for a new chapter every day!
emodinosaurX3 chapter 3 . 6/22/2013
I'm a little confused about the canon in the story. In the previous chapter, Nyx met Jagger in an abandoned building in Dullsville, but the only known abandoned building is the old mill that was converted-by Jagger-into the Crypt, which is the club I am assuming the chapter takes place here (since your title is "The Crypt"). Be careful about things like that and make it more clear (unless I am completely ridiculous and missed that entirely. If so, disregard my critiquing xD). I'm an avid Vampire Kisses fan, so things like that throw me off. I'm such a canon-Nazi, so I'll usually be disinterested when a story doesn't follow canon, but I know I'm not the only one. And I'm not trying to pick on you, don't worry! u Just passing some friendly advice and critiques. c:

-Michele c:
emodinosaurX3 chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
A House of Night fan, maybe? c: Hence, Nyx? I think it's a good start. Maybe a little too simple-could do with some more descriptions of her situation or of what else Nyx sees. It's good to really put your readers into Nyx's shoes and let us see through her eyes. I can't say that was really done here, but I think you're on the right track. Also, be wary of capitalizing and punctuation. There were some scattered mistakes across this chapter.

Off to read the next chapter! (:

-Michele c:
Drakefire chapter 15 . 3/24/2013
As much as I am glad that this story is continuing, but you spelled my name wrong. No efeance.
azyungalah chapter 15 . 3/19/2013
I'm glad you got around to updating, I'd hate to see this story discontinued :D I'm glad to see that Raven and Alex are worried about Nyx, and that Nyx and Jagger are all better and what not, considering the next step and everything.

Though, you do need to go over this and fix the spelling/grammar errors because there are a lot of them. And also, when you have someone saying something, the first letter needs to be capitalized.

"alright, I just wanted to make sure you were safe..." should be: "Alright, I just wanted to make sure you were safe..."
The first word of someone saying something ALWAYS has to be capitalized, even if something comes before in the paragraph, unless they are continuing to say something from before that was interrupted by a description of something, like:
"It was bad," he said with a solemn smile, "but we managed to fix it." 'but' doesn't need to be capitalized because the sentence is being continued. But if it's like this:
With a solemn smile, he said, "It was bad, but we managed to fix it." 'It' ALWAYS has to be capitalized because it is the first word.

Sorry, the explanation was kind of long, but I hope it helped :) I totally understand where you're coming from with school, I'm in my last trimester of high school (I'm a senior) so it's getting pretty rough and tough. Calculus, ugh! I've been meaning to post another story, and the epilogue of my on-going one to finish it, but so much has been going I can't get around to it. Nevertheless, this was a great chapter and I can't wait for you to update, if you still plan on doing so! And I'd be happy to edit/beta if you want some help with revising since you're so busy.
Midnight Queen Of Death chapter 14 . 11/12/2012
love it
A fan chapter 13 . 10/27/2012
Please make more chapteFantis is an awesome story
Namikaze Kiyomi chapter 14 . 10/28/2012
update soon please! :)
azyungalah chapter 14 . 10/27/2012
Lol this chapter was super cute! I'm glad you're finally back, I was beginning to wonder...

There's just one thing bad I have to say about this chapter, and it's what I said when I first started reading this story: you need to try to put the writing and dialogue in the proper format. I was confused when Nyx and Raven were talking because you put the dialogue from both of them in the same line? Do you still have the examples I showed you in my first review? Because that's how the story should be written, otherwise it's just too confusing and looks like you rushed through writing it, even though you said you didn't have time to edit it.
Namikaze Kiyomi chapter 13 . 10/13/2012
This is awesommmmeee! Jagger! 3 Please update soon!
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