Reviews for LoveLess
IruMinO chapter 14 . 11/7/2019
Your fic was a fresh breeze among the usual semeYukio, which I adore but not really dig, because his usual well-put-together, calm and professional demeanor is like the perfect excuse to ruin/debauch/mess him up, so I have been really gratified at your description regarding his post-assault state and the reaction of those around him. Thanks a lot for that, I am absolutely grinning stupidly at those description and I feel no better than rin at those time. It is also a pet theory of mine that Yukio’s perfectly collected persona with turmoil in his heart is what drive men with dubious moral to take liking to him and want him to fall (into ruin or into a cursed contract)—like todou, Hachirotaro, respectively, lol. (But then there is Lucifer who wanted him for a whole another matter)

Anyway, I’m so late to the party it’s not even funny, I don’t know if you still read your reviews as it’s more than 3 years since you update but I’m really glad you shared. Some of your OC are mighty annoying but they get along well with the plot so I can’t complain much, even more when I could see that they’re not here to stay. The plot is interestingly possible and the characterization is great. I have little complains, just some inappropriate words and phrases but they don’t really bother me.

Thus, if you ever update, I’ll comeback.
KyunnLihn chapter 14 . 11/15/2018
Nooo I really want you to complete this :((
Guest chapter 14 . 6/12/2017
Soo... Rin's going to do something stupid and/or extreme, and Yukio is going to have to smack his brother upside the head repeatedly and /talk to/ him to counter Rin's self-loathing stupidity. And hugs. Hugs are useful for both conveying comfort and restraining someone, especially when the person you're hugging can't stand the thought of hurting you even if they are physically stronger.
At this point /Yukio/ is going to have to decide to initiate /and/ talk his brother into it in order to snap Rin into maybe-being-okay-with-it, preferably /before/ the moon-problem hits.
Because at this point I'm getting worried that despite Yukio's willingness, Rin coming to himself post-moon might actually be suicidal if his beloved little brother hasn't managed to convince him at least a little bit that this is what he wants, moon-problem or no moon-problem.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/12/2017
Guest chapter 10 . 6/12/2017
Sometimes simple names for phenomena are best. It's not like anyone understands the significance without having it explained, anyway, so why make it even more complicated?
Shadow018Wolf chapter 14 . 1/22/2017
Please update the story and I know it's been a while though TTTT I really like this story so far and the direction it's heading and I really can't wait what will happen next. Amazing job on the story and I really hope ou can the next chapter soon if you have the time :)
WingsOfGlory14 chapter 4 . 12/25/2016
I suck at romance... Even though I'm in a relationship at the moment.
WingsOfGlory14 chapter 3 . 12/25/2016
Holy shit...that was amazing...
WingsOfGlory14 chapter 2 . 12/25/2016
May the Lord help us...
27Tsu18Kyou chapter 14 . 11/4/2016
Really love it! Not many seme!Rin just because of his shorter stature and the detailing is awesome. I hope Rin-kun overcomes this and realizes that his brother loves him too. Also, will Yukio-kun be turned into a demon as well at some point? Will you follow the canon before diverging again?

Please update soon!
godess bubbles chapter 14 . 7/17/2016
Will the brothers ever get together! I love this story, there aren't many were Rin tops and those are my favorite!Update soon!
TheCauldron chapter 14 . 5/5/2016
Holy shit, I need more! I have to know what happens! *panting and wild eyed*
littlehappyhour chapter 14 . 4/9/2016
Love your story! Please don't make Rin get together with that woman. I just want Rin and Yukio to get together already.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/3/2016
OMG! I can't wait for the next update. I love Yukio so far
Worldpuppyday chapter 14 . 3/30/2016
If you ever ever ever ever ever make Rin get together with that girl I'll burn down my computer with blue flames! Let them pour their hearts out with each other on the night of the red full moon! ;)
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