Reviews for Sharpe's League
stonegnome1 chapter 4 . 12/1/2012
This story does not appear to update often, but I hope it continues. I am very fond of Sharpe and the idea of the league is facinating.
BlueNeutrino chapter 4 . 7/24/2012
I was wondering when you were going to update this, and I'm so glad you have! :D That was a great chapter. Napoleon and Draculva are so creepy. I love the historical facts you've put in with Fouche head of the secret police. The ending was a real cliffhanger - I can't wait to see how Sharpe and Harper handle this one.
BlueNeutrino chapter 3 . 4/1/2012
I just love how you've managed to bring so many different characters together in this and I can't wait to see how they all work together to stop Draculva and Napoleon. I particularly liked how you've included the Darcy's - they'd make great members of the League. I don't suppose you've read 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' by any chance? I can definitely see those versions of Elizabeth and Mr Darcy fitting into this story very well.

There were a couple of bits towards the start of the chapter where the sentences didn't entirely make sense - things like "Gas streamed out of the round hole that vacuum without the lamp created." Nothing major but you might want to look over some parts of this again so that it flows better.

Overall though, it's still great. I can't wait for things to kick off with a bit more action and I really want to see what Sharpe and Harper get up to now that they're working with Frankenstein's monster and a faerie, among other things. This is just completely my type of story and I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter.
BlueNeutrino chapter 2 . 3/4/2012
This is getting really, really interesting. Even though I'm not familiar with all the new characters it looks set to be great. I particularly like the idea of having Sherlock Holmes' grandfather in this, and I also like how you've included Frankenstein's Monster since this is set in exactly the right time frame for it. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Sharpe's reaction to that.

The reference to Hornblower was cool, it's just a shame he's too sick with typhus to be part of this story! Or maybe he will be, I dunno, I'll wait and see what you've got in store ;)

The other cool thing is that I just happened to be at the British Museum last weekend so I could picture the part with the carriage arriving in the courtyard very clearly. It's the perfect setting for this meeting to take place.

Sharpe and Harper's interaction in this was also spot on - just what the pair of them are like in the books.

All in all a really great chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next!
BlueNeutrino chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
I don't really know much about The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I know there was the movie with Sean Connery that I never saw, and there was the League of Gentlemen TV show which I think is completely unrelated, and the series of comic books which I never knew what they were about. But this sounds completely awesome!

I absolutely love AUs and alternative history stories, and the whole premise of this seems to be completely genius! I'm really intrigued by the prologue. There is just something strangely brilliant about Napoleon making a pact with the forces of darkness in order to conquer the world. I love it!

Please, please update soon because I cannot wait to see where this goes!

P.S. Sorry it took me a while to review. I've been kinda busy studying for midterms but I'll definitely make sure I find time to read all future chapters of this. It's brilliant!