Reviews for Totally Spies: Working A Deep Cover
Mangafairy101 chapter 17 . 6/20/2013
Omg Warlord! i am so amazed! This chapter was really "SUPERB". I'm really impressed by your doings to make this chapter unique and. . . whats that word again?. . . SUAVE!

The detail and narration in this chapter was very powerful and i don't regret giving it my full undivided attention. i opened up my dictionary and thesaurus about 5-6 times and i write those new words down. You are a giver, a diction and imagery giver, that's what i like about your stories, you never miss anything! :)
Although i did see a few spelling and character mistakes, which isn't a problem for me since i got what and who you were trying to imply. it might be a problem for the other readers, so you have to think about them and double check your work. I, too am not the master of this but practice works, right?

I like it, the story is progressing nicely so far as we see the gang arriving in Constantinople, everyone's taking turns to use the shower. and the coffee must've helped Sam loosen up since we see her flirting with Cole and groping his but. Cloe is a bit uncomfortable however, he doesn't show it.
Don't worry Cole, its all the coffee, just be glad it wasn't the booze like clover back at the restaurant that other night! hahaha :)

As we can see, Cole likes all the girls, and so far it's as if Cole has a liking for Sam the most. He likes all of them since they all have their fair share of unique personalities: Clover - the extrovert, Alex - the introvert, and Sam who shares a bit of both it seems.
If i were Cole, I'd choose Sam. call me bias all you want but everyone should know that in stories, they'll be certain characters you'll love, some will be in between, and others you'll extremely hate,and the author can't help it, that's the foundation of a really good story. Am i right or am i right? ha!

I also feel that Cole should ask Sam out, but it's so obvious, even he can tell that all 3 girls like him, he kissed all of them, and if he chose one of them, the other two would be jealous/spiteful, and that's not good for business, especially since they're on a mission to take Avalon down.
And we can't blame the girls! They're girls and it's girl nature that if the guy you really like_likes/asks your best friend out then you are prone to be jealous.(Don't believe me? then watch lizzie McGuire season 1 episode 9: I do, I don't.). These things really do happen! Girls. . . We're crazy! hmmm :)
My advice to cole is to stay far away from all of them! They're all crazy about him and want a piece of him! RUN COLE! RUUUNN!

Again, great chapter, powerful use/choice of words, very strong narration and great use of imagery and details. I really don't know what else to say because you are a writer in the making and reading your stories is never a waste of my time. I'm really looking forward to reading more of your mad skills D

Mangafairy101 chapter 16 . 6/20/2013
OH WOW! They are super lucky! i honestly thought they wouldn't come out alive.

I thought Avalon would kill Cole after Cole beat him in that game of chess. A very well played game if i may say so myself. your details were so simple and clear.
I have a feeling that it Avalon's first time losing a game of chess(and to a teenager for that matter. ehehe). And that should worry him. he's taking the game personally(i think) and i sense that he has a fear of failure, he's one of those guys who strive to get what they want and have to be skilled at something, and when they loose/fail then its a personal loss/failure.

PERFECTIONIST! YES! that's the word i was looking for! Avalon is a perfectionist. he's got the money, the brains and the harem(looked it up ;)). Chess? he's one time fave game/hobby(maybe even won awards to be the best), loosing in it is just not right.
sorry for my rambling haha but please correct me if I'm wrong about Avalon.

I really love the scene between Clover and Adelle. A person really needs a good imagination to picture what you've just written between them. your stories are my best friends imagination. they're like this X hehe XD
Clover is so funny! i can tell she was embarrassed and fumed by that guy looking up her dress.i guess it'd be rhetorical if i asked whether she was wearing any panties, right? ahaha

Okay now I'm starting to worry about Cole. He's like, what? 16? And yet he has so many identities, all those scars and a little bit of character.
i can tell so far from what you've written that he yearns for that adolescent stage, since instead of going to school, he just watches teen sitcoms and movies(when he's off-spying), and also the way he asks Alex, Sam and Clover about life in high school. *sighs* This is too sad - he really needs a character. at least the Totally Spies have their own unique characters like Clover - the Diva; Sam - the Nerd; and Alex - the Geek. They've got it pretty good. Cole West is just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode any time.(At least that's what i think, how about you? he is after all your OC.)

*Gasps* I really thought that the gang would take off or hide out somewhere in the train, but they're still persistent on taking Avalon down and being he's neighbor!
Will they even be able to sleep right through Avalon's raw and animalistic make out sessions? i wonder... *eew*
I cant wait to find out what their journey upholds for them. I so hope they're smarter than Avalon.

Um yeah. . . That pretty much sums it up :)
Mangafairy101 chapter 15 . 6/20/2013
hey there! :-) i know its been a very long while since I've reviewed your stories and I'm sorry for walking out on you like that. I'm back for good now. ahaha
I must say though, I'm pretty impressed with this chapter. i actually had to re-read some of them because it has been a "WHILE" and i kinda got lost.
Anyway. . .
WOW! This chapter is crazy! poor Cole, Avalon is really riling him up! like seriously, you're a top spy Agent_ a GHOST! you're given an assignment to bust this guy and then the guy finds out who you are within weeks. Now that's a b!tch!
Ah, chess. . . Y'know i thought Avalon was gonna kill Cole(I still have a feeling that he might kill him since he sent Adelle Bouvett to attack Clover). But Nooo. . . Avalon just wants to play a game of chess and Cole is eager to do so. WHAT! if i was Cole I'd be sweating like crazy, i don't even think I'd be able to concentrate. I mean, my life is at stake here hello!
i used to think Avalon was a coward because he's a criminal and if people would be onto him then he wouldn't hesitate killing them to avoid he's plans being ruined. i guess i was wrong. Avalon is a smart and skilled criminal! he's no amateur, he has plenty of experience to keep him occupied for years!
I really like how you dialogued them playing chess and i love your choice of words, I actually had to pull out my dictionary to see what "Rogue" meant! Authors need to possess this quality. i like you for that!
Poor Clover, it seems like she's the only one who's worried about Cole besides Alex, whose watching TV and Sam who's reading a book. Clover is a shopaholic right? why couldn't she just go shopping instead of worrying about Cole? ahaha
oh,btw, I HATE ADELLE! i know she's your OC but i can't help it, i hate her! if i had a gun right now i'd shoot her down right on the spot. She shouldn't be alive for all those crimes she's committed!
ADELLE: B!tch please, I'm Adelle! I'm not dying anytime soon, unless Warlord has anything to do with it.
Mangafairy101: Hmm. . . then i hope Warlord writes the most slow, painful agonizing death about you. trust me, I'll enjoy reading every minute of it! *smirks wickedly*
ADELLE: Well you'll never know if you keep wasting your time here instead of moving onto the next chapter!
Mangafairy101: *crossing arms and pouting like a 5yr old* what ever. . .
and now moving on
ahahaha :)
ettenohjasomrehalliv chapter 17 . 10/25/2012
I do hope that you'll update soo, I really like the progress of the story. More power! :D
CMR Rosa chapter 17 . 10/3/2012
This is a great chapter, worth the wait, I hope the next one comes out soon.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 17 . 10/1/2012
I like the efort and details you put into this.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/11/2012
I found your story by chance and read all 16 chapters in two days. You are an epic writer, I love the mystery and suspence and the little side stories with Sam, Clover and Alex all liking Cole. You have the girls personalities down perfect from the show, and you leave your audience wanting more that's the mark of a good writer. Noticed the odd grammar mistakes early on but my grammar is rubbish, yours is way better.

Post again soon. Want more!
CMR Rosa chapter 7 . 6/7/2012
Good chapter.
Bearybeach chapter 16 . 6/6/2012
Nice. I've got to say; this story is getting better and better in every chapter.

And sorry about not reviewing earlier, I spent the day visiting a castle, Hearst Castle if you haven't heard of it. It's really beautiful.

Can't wait for the next update :)

Boris Yeltsin chapter 16 . 6/6/2012
The fun continues.

Loving it.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/27/2012
CMR Rosa chapter 15 . 5/16/2012
Good chapter.
Bearybeach chapter 15 . 5/8/2012
Oh shoot... I did not see that you updated.

Well, great chapter :)
Boris Yeltsin chapter 15 . 5/7/2012
Continue by all means.

Hope you'll post more TS stories.
Mangafairy101 chapter 14 . 4/16/2012
Ha? Why so soon? I can't believe it, Avalon already knows who he is! But i kinda have to admit, the urinal scene was so odd. I mean, the clicked "just like that" instantly, Avalon didn't even ask for his name or anything. Then all of a sudden, he wants he's bodyguards to leave as if he and Cole were long time buddies or wat not... Yep Cole! Avalon knows who you are! But how?

OMG Warlord, you have to update! I wanna know what happens next. This story is one irresistable magnet!

Please update, Si?
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