Reviews for A Scandal in Oxford
Lizzie Auden chapter 10 . 8/19/2006
That was REALLY good!
Unseen Watcher chapter 10 . 4/16/2005
A well done story. It is extremely difficult to keep write a mystery. My only concern is the indifference and impatience Holmes showed when she was injured. I don't believe it.
Littletiger chapter 2 . 9/23/2002
Not bad at all so far! I was so pleased to see a Mary Russell Holmes story on ; Laurie King's series is fantastic. I'm looking forward to reading future chapters of your fic; I just thought I'd go ahead and give you a review.
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 10 . 8/16/2002
Wonderful story. I do hope you will write another one. And they did do a messy job, didn't they? Yep. It was a wonderful story. You will write more, won't you? I hope so. I'll be waiting for another story to come out!
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 9 . 8/16/2002
Yes! The story comes next! Whoopee! Yeah! Goody goody! Okay, enough with that. I'll just get on with the story, now, I suppose. Okay, just need to calm down, that's all...Okay... Great story! I'm so happy Russell is doing all right! I do hope there will be much more to anticipate in your Russell fics! Wonderful job!
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 8 . 7/29/2002
Aww! Cliffie! NO! Not another cliffie! ::runs around screaming:: Er...excuse the outburst. But you have her unconscious...but then again I've had her unconscious for a bit...I need some ideas on that fic, you have any suggestions? Please tell me if you do! I'm not sure how I'm going to have it play out, so anything's nice to hear!

And I love your story! The suspense is killing me! (Not literally, of course!) Lovely bit of reading, this is! I hope you will update soon! I really like it!
Andi Horton chapter 7 . 7/26/2002
Smashing story- I'm loving the plot line, and can't wait to see what happens next. One problem, though- something happened to your paragraph formatting. You might want to try re-loading the chapters where they're all lumped together- it's hard to read, but I keep trying, because it's such a great story! Help!
Ulita the Devine Authoress chapter 7 . 7/22/2002
Horayyyyyyyyyyy! finaly, a fic from one of Laurie R. King's books. I'm liking

this, and I cant wait to find out whodunit!
The Grim Reaper Keres chapter 1 . 7/22/2002
*Looks around* That's it? You have a Dorothy Sayers character and it's only Harriet? Where's Peter? Peeeeeeetteeeer? I feel rather gipped...I suppose I shouldn't expect him but it's not like he has his own section I can go to...Well I'm sad now...I'll leave you alone then...
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 7 . 7/22/2002 does Holmes already know? Will it be from something very dangerous, or will he just look at some records and find out, or what? Oh, the suspense! I simply adore the story, and I hope it will be continued very soon (before I explode with excitement!)! Thanks so much for writing your stories; they are simply wonderful!
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 6 . 7/22/2002
Oooh...what's Russ got in her head to do? Oooh! Yeah! You updated the story! I'm sooooo happy! I love it! I love it sooo much! This is simply wonderful! I'm very glad you updated (If you haven't noticed yet) and hope you will continue. Also, I read that you will write a sequel to your other fic. Wonderful news! I hope you will start it soon! Lovely bit of writing, there! And sorry, but I haven't been able to update my Russell one because I'm stumped. I'm at a very long writer's block. Horrible, writer's block, isn't it? And I have to think of you have any suggestions? If you do, please tell me!
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 5 . 6/13/2002
Wonderful read! I can't wait for the next chapter! Let's idea...hmm...let me think... Maybe you could have Mycroft find out that Lily is related to Russell somehow...let's say...cousin? And then it becomes a very personal matter when Mycroft relates that the "friend" of Lily's is actually related to Holmes-a Vernet, let's say? And then...umm...

Holmes could come in and tell Russell that he found something intriguing...they go to look for it at the spot he had found it, but it would be'd have to be something large, or he would have taken a sample back with him in one of his infernal white envelopes. And the person that took the clue could have left a clue of his own...a taunting one or something like that...

That's about all I can think of. I'm still figuring out how my Russell story should go. How should Watson react to finding Alexia's body? Should he already know all about her or should he just crumple onto the floor? I really don't see him crumpling to the floor, but it could happen...

Thanks so much! Great job major! Can't wait until the next chapter! Hope you get a good idea soon!
LadyWinters chapter 5 . 6/11/2002
hooray! another chapter. you're stuck? not good. i no can help. me no big help. maybe the person who did this would like to cover his or her tracks? maybe holmes or russell can get a glimpse of this mysterious and yet dangerous person? you can do a fight scene... or maybe not. hmmm... sorry. can't think no more. i'll see you around? bye.
just a reader chapter 4 . 5/31/2002
I like it _! All the characters are in their role and they even talk the same way as they do in the book!. One thing though. I know i'm being nit-picky but i think you use one too many "er"s in the dialoge. Other then that it's perfect! Can't wait to read more!
Dali2theLlamasquared chapter 4 . 5/29/2002
Sounds exactly like Holmes: controlling as ever. I love the story very much and can't wait until the next chapter comes up. I'll try to get to my Russell one but it's gotten very busy at school; the teachers are cramming the info before we leave. Therefore, I have hardly any time to myself. I'm surprised I even got to read this story tonight! I love to read, by the way. That's the only way I'm able to write anything; I have a lot of different styles under my belt. Loved the story major! I always love what you write. I guess it's just me. I suppose that has to be it. But I think it's because your stories are so good. And I hope you do write a sequel to "The Silver Cobra." It was an extremely good story, and I'd never forgive you if you didn't! JK! But, in all seriousness, I'd love to read the sequel to the story! Wonderful, as usual! Keep up the great job!
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