Reviews for Crystal Trials
PinkPetalSalamander chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
I know this story has not been updated in years, but I really hope you take it up again. Ive never written reviews before but I feel your trilogy is with it. It is definitely my favorite Merlin fanfic to date. Your creativity and originality regarding the plot, character development, and action scenes are impressive. It's a whole new take on the world of Merlin. Your personality is also quite enjoyable and fun as you interact with your readers. I wish you well.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/6/2019
It about freaking time! Damm I missed you work! You still got your sense of writing style I see! Now hopefully with a new update a little sooner this time please?
rain.rain.come.again.soon chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
I know it's been long but pleeasseeee continue thiss... THIS IS AWESOMEE
Guest chapter 2 . 5/29/2019
*walking through cobwebs* Um...hello? Is anyone there? HELLO!? Where are you?!
Please finish, I really hate when I get into a story only for it not to be finished. Pretty please with extra cherries and sprinkles on top, finish the story!
DragonFairy1231 chapter 2 . 5/6/2019
GWAINE MY MAIN MAN IS HER Oh I love him so much, he's great.
I cant wait for Merlin to meet Percival and reunite with Lancelot if that is to be what happens.
if you add Freya
lEt MeRlIn SaVe HeR tHiS tImE i BeG

also... hhhooooooohhh damn its gonna be a heck of a reunion once Merlin gets back to Camelot.
Zander L. Jones chapter 2 . 1/21/2019
FRICKEN update for the love of all that is good and right!
emrysmorgan chapter 2 . 1/12/2019
please continue this story plwase. I want to read moree
mynameismel chapter 2 . 8/20/2018
Three times as long as the staff of souls yet it is only two chapters? Hah
Berrybanana05 chapter 2 . 7/30/2018
((When life gets less crazy and you’ve finished Broken Faith please will you continue this one? ‘:D
Guest chapter 2 . 11/27/2017
So is this story done :(?
Bluegreenus chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
Is there more to this story somewhere? I have enjoyed every minute but feel it is unfinished.
Kelseyleigh2217 chapter 2 . 8/5/2017
Dear King and Queen and Ruler Supreme,
All rolled into one with a crown that does gleam,
take this small tithing, as it's all that I had,
and forgive me for saying that I AM SO MAD!
When I did reach the end of chapter 2,
There was no more to read and quite loudly I cursed you!
For I love this world in which his magic is known,
And the characters are so true that my mind has been blown.
This world where Merlin has position and fame,
And all who see him know his name. Where the Great Dragon is finally free and sharing his knowledge With Merlin most Worthy. Where Merlin and Uther have come to a truce, now Luther sees magic can have benevolent use. Morgana stays and uses her power for good, and Merlin is given a magical Hood. But there's so much more for them to see and do, and I really want to see the Legacy come true, but this time let's do it without anyone dying, because all of that last episode I sat there crying. So this is my gift to the lonely God, that my poem might be able to poke and prod, and stir the plot bunny till it jumps and climbs, and you start writing like you're running out of time.
Crystalzap chapter 2 . 7/21/2017
this was great! I really hope you haven't forgotten about it... I saw some of the others poking you with pitch forks to see if you still lived, it seems unlikely but perhaps you could send a message through from the other side? You know when the veil opens
Adel chapter 2 . 7/11/2017
Morgana needs some loving care from Merlin. Merlin and Morgana should have a proper courtship, and marriage. Of course, Arthur's anger and feelings of betrayal need to be resolved. Arthur and Gwen should be married as well.
Author Pendragon Of Camelot chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
I think the mob finally killed her... and I had JUST bought a new pitch fork!
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