Reviews for A Simple Thing
jessicam242 chapter 12 . 1/31/2009
Amazing story!
Girl Who Writes chapter 12 . 11/5/2007
I found this fic by chance, and I'm so glad I did. It was wonderful - so many insights into Haruka's character. :) Thank you for writing such a wonderful, thoughtful fic.
vee chapter 12 . 5/26/2007
This was entertaining and I enjoyed it a lot, but there were a few holes that confused me. Why did Michiru and Haruka have to give up their passions when none of the others did? Ami won the Nobel Prize, Makoto got her own cooking show, Minako got her own talk-show, etc., etc., but Michiru and Haruka just lost their passion for their endeavours. I would have liked the narrative to provide some sort of explanation for that.
Gabriella chapter 12 . 2/28/2007
Wow. That is probably the first thing that comes to mind after reading your story. I really enjoyed reading it; your characters were believable and acted realistically, your plot was unique yet spell binding, you did not fall into the traps of the more glaring clichés (especially with the Michiru/Haruka pairing). You were able to weave in familiar characters (i.e. the Inner Senshi) in ways that suited their personalities yet you still focused on Michiru and Haruka. Their relationship was in-character and connects with impressions some people may have gotten from the anime. You also showed a great depth of emotion between Michiru and Haruka, which had been hard to find in fanfics I've read so far about the two. One of the most interesting and compelling things you did, though, was to intertwine joy and grief, eternal bliss and everlasting hell, and yet to end up with all seeming like it'd turn up right.

Overall, thank you for writing and posting such an entertaining and enjoyable tale for me to read! The imperfections (i.e. a few grammar errors) were outweighed by the sheer greatness (for lack of a better phrase) of the story. I have regained hope in the world of fanfiction, but writing in particular-all a reader needs to do is find the diamond in the rough!
Marie chapter 12 . 9/22/2004
Well done on the story!

I did spot a couple of spelling errors, but nothing too worrisome. _

It's definitely a different way of looking at the canon and making it into an original story. I really liked what you did with it.
Ceila chapter 1 . 11/15/2002
Everyone needs to read this story! That's what I keep telling all my friends anyway. Keep up the good work Kate. :)
Sailor Nimnard chapter 12 . 7/29/2002
Excellent story! Extremely well written!
Fate's Child chapter 10 . 7/28/2002
Wow. That was an incredible story. I can't wait to read your others, thank you for taking the time to write this.

-Fate's Child
Minzuno Raven chapter 10 . 7/23/2002
great fic Imoto-chan. very good. can't wait til you get going on some more stories. they've been some of he simple things that have changed my life. Just look at who I'm dating! XD That's all you, girl

Yoake Kairyu chapter 10 . 7/21/2002
WOW! An incredible, well done, and moving story! I love it! Please, do us all a favor, and submit it to Luna Alarm Reviews! I'm sure you will get a fabulous review!

Anyway... This fic was extremely well done. It had a great opening, moving action, and a good ending. A sequel, perhaps?

I enjoyed the fact that you used proper spelling and grammer... Not many fics do.

I can't think of any more praise, so all I say is...

Ja ne,

Christina chapter 9 . 7/21/2002
I love long thought out stories, this one is really good...can't wait to read the next!
jolyhall chapter 1 . 7/21/2002
What a great bit of writing, please keep it up. Usagi as prime minister... never would have thought of that myself.
Windancer chapter 9 . 7/20/2002
Excellent as always. I think you got Haruka's reaction just right. Can't wait for the next part.
Supremia chapter 8 . 7/16/2002
*claps and waves a Michiru and Haruka flag* Excellent! Man, cliffhanger, that sucks. But I'll be waiting for the next chapter!
Ari-chan chapter 1 . 6/11/2002
This is honestly one of the best H&M stories I've read. You managed to keep me reading even with your long chapters. You portrayal of Haruka and the way you write is fantastic. I can't wait for the rest. Please keep writing.
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