Reviews for Red
90TheGeneral09 chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
This is actually pretty good. I liked it. You definitely have some talent, some artful choice in your words here. It waxes poetic but that's not a bad thing. Like the movie this is based on, you go into it with good intentions, wanting to tell a story about brave men. The story focuses on a poetic, artistic explanation for the red paint on the tails of the 332nd's P-51 Mustang fighters, and it does well with that. I'm glad to see you being so encouraging here- both at the beginning and the end of the story- about reviews! Every writer on here should be that way. Not all reviews will be favorable. Some will be positive, some will be neutral or negative. You must be open and encouraging to any reviewers, because I can tell you reviews of any kind at all are rare. Maybe 1 in 1000 viewers will actually review.

Good work on this story, and the different meanings and possible meanings behind the red-painted tails of the 332nd's fighters.
The Bluest Sun chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
That was a nice story dedicated to them :) good job