Reviews for Sweets In New Orleans
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
Could you do like a reunion where eddies mum comes to Anubis house to see eddie? :)
A Reviewing Reader chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
It seems we had the same idea...sort of.

I was going to have it all in Eddie's POV, and tell the story of his childhood before...but dang it you beat me to it.):

Well, the name's are similar of the mom. Mine's Adyson, yours is Audrey (and I adore that name-it's one of my favorites.)


I really liked this fanfiction: partially because it was a fresh, new take on Mr. Sweet when he was younger, partially because the imagery in my head was so great, and partially there were hardly any grammatical issues!

Okay, there were a few. But all of them were commas, so no big deal.

Huh, Sweetie likes swan masks? Who knew...

I really hope you continue/update this soon!

SheSaysCiao chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
Hey! I read this last night but I completely was spacing out on reviewing, so (I'm on Tumblr btw)~

I loved this! It's so refreshing to see someone write a really detailed, interesting, well-written story like this. I feel as if the whole Eddie/Mr. Sweet storyline might be touched upon more as the season goes on, but I've always wanted to know about his mother. I think the way you wrote this, when and how Eric met her as well, was completely brilliant. This fanfiction is flawless, and your writing is superb as well!

Were you planning on just having this as a one-shot, or are you going to be adding more to it? Because you could go either way, really. Having it as a one-shot would be great and cute, but you could also add a lot more depth to their relationship as well.

Anyway, I'm going to go continue the Mick/Fabian sequel to the one-shot I wrote. I really loved this, and I loved seeing Mr. Sweet as a younger person. :3 Fabulous job!

Aquana12 chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
Great start!
Into-Your-Gravity chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
this story seems interesting, its really a bit odd why sweetie is so old and has a teenage son who happens to be American and he hasn't seen him in years