Reviews for Emblazoned
Petrichor503 chapter 11 . 8/7/2013
This is great please update soon :P
MegFallow chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
I really like the story. Sherlock being molested/abuse/raped (h/c thrown in) are a guilty pleasure of mine. And this story was wonderfully done. Giving a refreashing take on how not only damaged the victim of rape is, but how it effects the victim's friends and family as they feel more guilt, shame, and helplessness not only in trying to save them but that they could have done something to prevent it making it more a complex well-rounded story.

Great job :)
wordswhatareinmybrain chapter 8 . 4/29/2012

I have just discovered this story and am currently in the process of reading it, but I HAD to review this chapter even though I'm partway through because Mycroft is just so awesome. Seriously.

While I'm here though, I might as well say I COMPLETELY LOVE THIS. It's so well written and completely in character and believable. I think I might just cry at how believable it all is and how real Sherlock's response is.

thoughtful.cynic chapter 11 . 4/23/2012
"I'm sorry you feel that way." That was perfect! hahaha

Finally. A Lestrade Chapter in a fic that I loved. I don't read fics on Lestrade. Even when it's a fic I'm enjoying, if I see a Lestrade Chapter, I tend to give it a try, then end up just skimming through it, forgetting it altogether by the time I've read the next part. I knew that wasn't going to happen here. There's nothing boring, no filler text. The back-story-via-texts was great and /so/ Sherlock. Lestrade's shortness with Donovan made loud cheering noises sound off in my head.

My favorite thing about your Lestrade is that the relationship you've made between him and Sherlock is the one that I liked to imagine they had when there wasn't a crowd. Like they'd been friends for a number of years, and got on quite well when it was just the two of them. Their moment on the steps was everything that it ought to have been. Lestrade's like the older brother Sherlock never had, and that's the way I see/love/adore/want it.

I'm always thrilled to see an update from you, and for good reason!
Nival-kenival chapter 11 . 4/23/2012
Aww that was adorable! Please continue

Effin4 chapter 10 . 4/14/2012
Aw! Sherlock was so cute in this chapter!
Silverspeare chapter 10 . 4/13/2012
Please! Update, this is so god :)
Nival-kenival chapter 10 . 4/13/2012
O.O pc

thoughtful.cynic chapter 10 . 4/13/2012
Oh my..hehe. Moriarty makes his debut. Wholly loving the dialogue. Methinks Edgar is in for one hell of a future. v

Sherlock and John were so sweet and lovely here. It's just..GUH...lovely. I absolutely adore how you toss the humor into these moments. "'I'm-the-best' look" had me giggling like a child. It's /so/ John Watson-y to lighten the mood with humor.

I nostalgia'd at the mention of Sister Hazel. I remember that song from...I don't even know. Middle school? Yes. And since I was a fan of the tune, high school as well. I shall give thanks to Sister Hazel for speaking JohnWatsonese so fluently and aiding in your creation of this chapter.

Also, yes to the "JOhn" typo. xD
HighlyDebatable chapter 9 . 4/5/2012
Okay, wow. Poor Sherlock. At first I was like, 'Yes! A case fic that isn't horrible and doesn't feel like it's composed completely around getting Sherlock and John in bed.' Then all I could think was... Poor Sherlock. Poor John. Then suddenly there wasn't a 'next chapter' button. So here I am, uneloquently telling you how much I enjoyed your fic.
Nival-kenival chapter 9 . 4/5/2012

thoughtful.cynic chapter 9 . 4/4/2012
Your fic is apparently safe for anywhere - home, work, everywhere cellphones are allowed, dreams, etc.

So sweet and /so/ STEAMY. *turns the air up, fans self, throws water on self* My oh my oh MY. Beautiful indeed.

It's going for 1:35am, and I'm thrilled that I can't sleep. Thankful even. This was utterly delicious. John's mental wave goodbye to his heterosexuality was fantastic...haha! Loved it.

Also loving how your Mycroft never disappoints. He's ever the BAMF he's supposed to be.

I think sleep may have to wait for my glee to calm itself down. You're too much (in the best way possible).
burattinaio chapter 9 . 4/4/2012
I like you story very much. It's awesome, especially the last chapter. However, as I'm Russian, I'd like to say that such surname like Englehurst isn't Russian at all. It makes me laugh every time I see it,'s awkward. I don't want to make a fuss, just want to help. Hope you understand. Love you fic, you are great
kaszz-chan chapter 9 . 4/4/2012
Ha! i loved the ending XP
thoughtful.cynic chapter 8 . 3/31/2012
I think I loved everything in this chapter. Again with the "so in character" bit; it's awesome, really.

John and Sherlock talking it over was...lovely? It was lovely. Mycroft is so Mycroft with all of his Mycrofti-ness. I love the way you described his relationship with Sherlock in Mycroft Thoughtland. The "stupid little curl on his stupid little brother's head" bit was smile-inducing [because I know that feel].

Must I say that I cannot wait for the next chapter? *waits patiently*
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