Reviews for WWIII A Time I Could Only Remember
mooga123456 chapter 11 . 5/30/2012
Oh.. My.. God... So many feels! My god I am so sad right now! God I'm like crying my freakin eyes out! This story should have way more reviews.
Niji-chi chapter 8 . 3/18/2012
AH! You absolutely NEED to post more, or I'll die!

I honestly can't believe that you don't have more reviews, this is fantastic! Normally, I absolutely HATE OC pairings in Hetalia, but this is just too damn cute! I can actually respect you... And this is just so well-written, too! You give the right amount if detail without being over-explanitory or repetitive, yet you give enough facts so that the reader I'd not confused. The plot is great, and I love how you depict the characters!

So... I hope that didn't sound cheesy or anything, but I honestly mean all of that! Please continue to post more, because I love you!
CarryOnMyWaywardDemigod chapter 7 . 3/17/2012
Y U No have reviews? This story's awesome. Please update! :D