Reviews for Five Kisses
Skylarcat chapter 1 . 11/26/2014
Holy crap, this was amazing.
Dannie Tomlinson chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Wow. Loved this.
CaptainAyeSwan chapter 1 . 1/30/2012
Amazing! I totally loved the Christmas kisses and the whole nightmare kiss at the beginning and somewhat repeat at the end only it was real this time, was a really nice 'come full circle' type thing.
xXxCoLdThInAiRxXx chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
Awsome story
LillianMW chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
I wrote you a review on LiveJournal last night but then the site crashed and wouldn't let me submit it, so I'll write it here. I just absolutely adore your stories. I get so into them, it's like I'm watching an episode. Better than that, it's actually like I'm living in them. Everything is so real and perfect, and their characterization is so spot on. I'm SO glad you're a Daryl/Andrea shipper! We seriously have some of the best writers in our camp. We're so lucky lol.
Rae Montgomery chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
Great fic! Ive got a thing for Daryl and Carol, but you wrote this so well you may have converted me. :)
euphoricsymphonies chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
I love your stories! This was fabulous!
Cider Sky chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
Ahhhhhhhh! I was SO excited when I got this alert! You wrote it! And wow, I am so darn happy you did. It is simply gorgeous!

I adore 5-times (they may be my favorite fic form) and you did such a wonderful job with this theme. The first kiss, though not really a kiss, was a perfect beginning for this, such an interesting way to explore Andrea's character, her thoughts and desires, her fears. I love how Daryl comforts her and his comment about not letting anyone get bit or any into his truck was perfect.

The setting you created for the rest of the story is extremely intriguing. The Christmas party (and Daryl, the human calendar!) was a wonderful reprieve from the usual angst and drama of the WD world. I love the groups interactions during these scenes - Lori and Rick and Shane, Glenn and Maggie, so perfect, so well done.

Carol's death *really* surprised me and actually had my jaw dropping and I actually got all choked up and teary. The ending is so appropriate - I love that it starts and ends with nightmares. And of course, the last line, is just perfect.

I am very happy you wrote this. Well done, a perfect 5-times :D
Blackbirdox chapter 1 . 1/27/2012

I just have this really strange soft spot for five times fics and this was one of the best that I've ever read. For any fandom.

I LOVED this:

"Lori may not have the best judgement when it comes to men (but then, maybe Andrea doesn't either), but as she stares at the toothpaste and box of condoms on the bed, she realises that Rick's wife might be a hell of a lot more perceptive and forward-thinking than Andrea gives her credit for."

Every bit of this was so wonderful. Sooooo much love for this.
gagewhitney chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
I know I reviewed this on the D/A community, but I loved it so much that I have to say it again. LOOOOVE. And can I just add that it would be so much fun to see Daryl, Andrea, Glenn and Maggie get drunk together?
Lucifer's Garden chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
Perfection. All of it, every sentence, complete perfection.

GOD DAMN YOU WOMAN how is it possible that you are this good? D: