Reviews for You Draw the Bath
m chapter 1 . 7/10/2014
adorable !
tundervolt chapter 1 . 1/26/2012
That was amazing , oh please never stop !

And yeah , the comics have insane levels of subtext ALL THE TIME , seriously almost every Pondering has a double meaning and come one the cat suit ? The post-apocalyptic scenario ?

They are just messing with us.
Fran chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
Right. Am on a working computer. Can gahh and keymash with every fibre of my keyboard.

You are PERFECT and have saved my soul since P&B was taken off TV Links - and I'm English so sadly no access to DVDs (

You write them BEAUTIFULLY. It's absolutely correct that Brain would be apprehensive and embarrassed about expressing his feelings, because the Brain can't be vulnerable, whereas Pinky would want Brain to know every thought in his head and just wear his heart on his sleeve. I love love love the idea that you've essentially written both their journey into realising their love for each other and I cannot wait to read more and fully intend to write some of my own. Also, quite apart from P&B and fanfiction in general you are an incredibly talented writer. Your work is funny, evocative and moving and you rule everything slashy. Also... Where do I get my hands on those comics?
fran chapter 1 . 1/25/2012