Reviews for 30 positions of the Kama Sutra
Mimzy94 chapter 4 . 3/12/2015
What about a Soundwave and Blaster one?
Riyappe Paws chapter 4 . 2/26/2013
OH! What a trigger!
Riyappe Paws chapter 3 . 2/26/2013
You know what I just noticed about all of your pairings? One is red while the other is blue... Is this just a coincidence, or am I just nutz?(It could very well be both)
Riyappe Paws chapter 2 . 2/26/2013
Yes, I definitely enjoyed that one, I mean I liked the other one too, but this one was so much more!
DarknessRising10 chapter 4 . 3/7/2012
...and breath...I have just had a double whammy of oohh...and oohhoohh! I don't know how I the missed Blue/Blaster to read that along with Jazz/Mirage...well I now need to compose myself!

As for saying you need to brush up your smut skills, ahem, I really do not think you have a problem on that front! :D

As usual, a great read!

Fianna9 chapter 3 . 3/6/2012
Sorry, apparently I missed this when it posted. An interesting relationship seems to be developing between these two. Nice to see Blaster finding such to help Bluestreak with his nightmares.
Fianna9 chapter 4 . 3/6/2012
Very hot and well done. Mirage and Jazz certainly have an interesting relationship.
NANotAround chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
First time ever reading this pairing, I think you did pretty good for your first time writing it
Acidgreenflames chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
I am usually a Prowl x Jazz fan, but oh mama I think I shall convert! This was smexy as all hell and I loved it, loved it, loved it. Mirage and Jazz, the song choice was perfect, interfacing in the hall! Loved every word of it! Well done!
smokingcaramels chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
Aw, but I liked last chapter! This was certainly hot and steamy, though I got a good chuckle out of the song choice. I don't know what it is about that song but I love it.
Camfield chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
Jazz and Mirage, in the hallway, with a 'OMFG that's hot!'

Loved it, seriously. Mirage getting hotted up from dirty talk? Amazing.
Jovianokami chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
Oh this a good pairing, Jazz and Mirage when usually it just Prowl/Jazz and Hound/Mirage. Who knew that dirty songs were such a turn on for Mirage? Well Jazz knew so... Play that song just to get Raj all warm up for him. One more thing are femmes going to get on the action? Or are just a mech only fangirl?
Crazygrrl XD chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
o0o omg too smexy! *dies*
GrimsonAshes chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
Hot, hot, hot.

Loved this one. Course, I think I always love Jazz/Mirage.

Interesting idea, that all the dirty words gets Mirage all hot and bothered.
Phoenix51 chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
I love this series!

Please continue!
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