Reviews for Not a knight, but still not a lady
Guest chapter 27 . 12/22/2012
chat noire chapter 12 . 3/17/2011
Alanna is waaaaaaay OOC, and everyone acts like a child, I mean come on! They're what, 16? 17? and yet you have them acting as if they were 8!
Aria657 chapter 14 . 8/9/2010
That was hilarious, I mean the part where Alanna beats up Gary and Raoul.
Fire-Metal-Horse17 chapter 27 . 1/20/2010

Please update soon!

I love it and I need to know how this fic ends!
xDarklightx chapter 27 . 11/25/2008
I like it and want to know who Alanna hit with the necklace.
xDarklightx chapter 20 . 11/25/2008
I like it and I hope you update a new chapter as soon as you can. Please update.
Lady Knight Keladry chapter 27 . 1/25/2008
1. why haven't updated?

2. there are WAY too many spelling and grammar mistakes

3. you need to learn to use commas

4. some of it just didn't make sense

5. although i know you either won't read this, don't care, or something else, i had to try.
MarauderetteLily chapter 27 . 7/1/2007
OH MY GOD! this is one of the best stories ever! PLEASEE keep going ! I 'wuv' it!
MarauderetteLily chapter 14 . 6/30/2007
LOve It! but what is with this part:“Don’t speak to me in that manner!” He told her angrily.

“I will speak to you in any matter I please!” She told him a-matter-o-factly.

“I hate you!” He growled at her.

“I hate you even more!” Alanna told him forcefully.

And with that, Jonathan put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her

I mean MIXED EMOTIONS! add a a little more fighting!BUT AWSOME ANYWAY!
dolly chapter 12 . 6/3/2007
OMG! Thats all i can say bout this chapter!
lotus-petals chapter 13 . 2/24/2007
Ralon... is... stupid. So very true. I hope Alanna beats him down.
ul neva nope chapter 27 . 2/23/2007
dis stowi has bn heer for tym man. its so long. tmy goes so quijly. i can stil rememba da fancition gd old days.
Rorysan chapter 27 . 2/3/2007
I loved the story so far! I hope that you update again! Its been awhile since you did! Bye for now!
ElfishScallywag chapter 27 . 10/1/2006
ALANNA! That was very rude! (is refering to her walking away form the Godess)

You've got a great story here, I love it!

I hope you'll update soon!
Helen chapter 27 . 6/29/2006
pleasepleaseplease please update bcos u havn't updated like u promised and its bin like 2 years so please update this is 1 of the best stories i'v read (no offence 2 other writers) so please update soon
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