Reviews for Harry Potter Shattered Prophecy
Urthemiel chapter 5 . 10/17/2019
I remember that story, I read it more three years ago, It was more fun and reminded me of great days, I'm not going to forget this feeling of fun.
harry garbage chapter 16 . 7/5/2019
What Dumbledore did was no different than kidnapping a black infant and forcing the poor child onto a family of fervent members of the Ku Klux Klan with a threat to provide the child a home. Harry received the same treatment you would expect for that poor child assuming (s)he wasn't killed outright, don't you think? Sure, he survived but as nothing more than a horribly abused slave of the Dursleys. It was stated clearly that Harry's abuse was physical as well as mental and emotional. There was mention of Petunia striking at him with a frying pan (presumably hot) in the kitchen as well as Vernon's comment about nothing being impossible to "beat" out of the "freak" implying that beatings were common. Then of course they also encouraged Dudley's "Harry hunting" and attacks on the "freak."

Dumbledore could have done something to ensure that Harry's childhood wasn't dark and difficult but instead chose not to and in so doing he proved that "dark and difficult" childhood is in fact precisely what he really wanted Harry to suffer through. (Remember his admonishment regarding doing what is "right" rather than what is easy is further proof that he considered Harry's suffering "right" unless he hypocritically ignored his own advice and just dumped Harry there without care for his well-being because it was the easy thing to do.) The wizarding world is rife with spells and potions compelling particular behavior. It would most certainly have been preferable and much happier for both the Dursleys and Harry if Dumbledore had at the least used a compulsion ward or charm to ensure Harry was at least accepted if not loved by the Dursleys. After all, his living with them was deemed by Dumbledore to be necessary regardless of their clearly not wanting Harry. Thus he proved by forcing Harry upon them that they lacked any real free-will in the matter; that what they wanted was unimportant anyway in the much greater need for Harry's safety. (Dumbledore's howler to Petunia "REMEMBER MY LAST!" when the Dursleys were about to throw Harry out along with prior statements peppered throughout earlier books proved that Harry's residence with the Dursleys was coerced upon the Dursleys by Dumbledore.) So why then didn't he take the added step to ensure Harry grew up well since the Dursley's free-will didn't matter to him anyway? In fact, his coercion absolutely ensured the Dursleys would take out their resentment and hatred upon Harry. It was abundantly clear that he fully intended Harry's sufferance through an abusive and enslaved childhood because he needed the boy (and prophesied weapon) meek, weak and fully cowed into easy control by adults.

After all, Dumbledore fully admits that he knowingly subjected Harry to more than a decade of abuse and enslavement by his relatives with no such effort to ensure Harry's well-being. Is it any wonder that Harry trashed his office afterwards? It might be puzzling to some how later Harry did an about-face and was again "Dumbledore's man" despite the evil Dumbledore knowingly inflicted upon him. But all that was needed to fully regain and seal Harry's fervent loyalty was Dumbledore paralyzing and forcing Harry into watching Dumbledore intentionally martyr himself. He was dying already but was careful not to tell Harry that. He made Harry believe that he sacrificed himself to protect Harry and thus forever sealed Harry's zealous loyalty. It is a tactic called "martyrdom" and it has been used to seal fervent and zealous loyalty to a cause or person very successfully for more than a thousand years by cultists, Islamists and also to a historically lesser extent by Christians as well. It was also the very fate he had planned for Harry - to die as a martyr.

BOTH Dumbledore and Voldemort fought what is called a "proxy war" where they used others (cultish followers mostly, though in Harry's case he was simply a kidnapped and brainwashed child) to fight and die for them. BOTH of them manipulated, used and endangered or outright sacrificed the lives of others, often innocents and children - without those people's knowledge or informed consent. Just because one's ends may be deemed noble does not mean that such evil methods are acceptable to reach those ends. Why is it to be any more tolerated for Dumbledore and the "Light" to commit such atrocities than the bad guys that are doing it? In fact, Dumbledore often hypocritically used that very argument to discourage anyone from using lethal force against the Death Eaters but yet most of his own actions and intentional inaction proved equally vile and evil in result, if not intent. Knowingly enslaving an innocent one year-old infant to 15 years of hatred and cruelty as a means of shaping that child's personality for easier influence and control is but only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. How about discouraging his followers from properly defending themselves but rather instead let the enemy kill them? His total insistence upon stunning and releasing torturers and murderers only allowed them to be revived or released to later go off to torture and kill someone else. Something that is far more evil than putting down a rabid dog for what it is before it could hurt someone else. Note how the Malfoys among others were walking free at the end of DH despite the murders and tortures they had done. How many others have since then likely been tortured and killed by them in the intervening 19 years before the epilogue? Dumbledore operated under the premise that the lives and well-being of everyone else, particularly future victims, are unimportant compared to his belief in giving infinite chances of redemption to murderers and terrorists. Many good people died unnecessarily all thanks to Dumbledore's cult of personality.

I think the most telling difference between Dumbledore and Voldemort though was that Voldemort's followers had the choice whether or not to serve him. Dumbledore, on the other hand, kidnapped an infant boy and then conditioned (aka brainwashed) him through years of slavery and abuse followed by manipulation into suicide for Dumbledore's cause. In other words, Voldemort's followers had a choice whilst Dumbledore enslaved innocent children into his service. You can't get much more vile and despicable than that. Ultimately Harry Potter was nothing more than a poor kid that was kidnapped and brainwashed by the "good guys" into being a suicide bomber. (I would compare Harry to Jason Bourne but Harry had absolutely no choice in the matter and no special training or preparation beyond the brainwashing to die for everyone else.)

By the end of DH there is a huge amount of suffering, blood and death on Dumbledore's hands (arguably as much or even more than on Voldemort's and his Death Eaters) for his usage of others and refusal to use his own power (magical and political/governmental) to truly stop any of them from harming or killing others. It's much like a police officer that chooses to stand by and merely watch whilst someone rapes and murders a child - refusing to help for whatever his own personal reasons. Who is the bigger monster? The sicko doing the raping and murder or the person who has taken on the title, position and responsibility - trusted by all to protect the victim - but instead refuses to do so? Dumbledore even went so far as to not only protect such monsters from being rightfully killed in self-defense or justice but even worse invited such monsters into a school full of children. Equally as horrific was knowingly enslaving children to hateful monsters as a means of brainwashing and control. Not just the Dursleys, but also Snape. Ask yourself about the "coincidence" of the only long-term professor outright abusive of Harry just so happened to be "promoted" to teaching Harry's best magical subject the year Harry would have left his influence in Potions class because he failed to meet the minimum grade Snape required. It was blatantly clear that Dumbledore used Snape to keep Harry abused and down-trodden while at Hogwarts and away from the Dursley's abuse. Harry was never given a reprieve from the bullying and abuse because that is what Dumbledore wanted and needed in order to shape him into a martyr who believed his own life had no value and was better to sacrifice for others more deserving of life and happiness.

That is what disappointed me most about canon. Ultimately, Harry Potter was revealed to have never been a hero at all. Instead he was nothing more than a severely used and abused victim, kidnapped as an infant from his legal guardian and brainwashed into his role of suicide for Dumbledore's cause. Those who read the series should heed its hidden warnings against adults in positions of authority over children exploiting children for their own purposes/ideals and the use of children in wars by adults indoctrinating them into certain views and then sacrificing their lives for the adult's ideals/goals.
harry garbage chapter 7 . 7/5/2019
Wow. A very long first chapter and intriguing start to the story. I enjoy AU stories where Harry is able to grow up with a loving family. It makes more sense in that it gives him something really worth fighting for.

That was one of canon's failings as far as I'm concerned. There really was little that was worth Harry's effort or sacrifice given how horribly not only his "family" treated him but also Dumbledore and the rest of the wizarding world. It was revealed in HBP that Dumbledore had actually known all along about the (in his own words) "neglect and often cruelty" that the Dursleys treated Harry and that it was exactly what he needed to keep Harry meek, humble and obedient to his plans. The old bast*rd had planned it all along as a means of shaping Harry's personality into something that could be easily manipulated into anything (including suicide) with but a few words and acts of kindness.

In the end Dumbledore was lauded as a hero despite his atrocities and the Dursleys escaped any punishment for the 16 year long enslavement and abuse of an innocent orphaned boy. It was vile that those who harmed Harry the worst received no punishment or sanctions whatsoever but yet he had to give his life to save the wizarding world from their own ignorance, bigotry and apathy. JKR turned a great idea into utter garbage. Fortunately there is WAY better written fan-fiction out there portraying a multitude of AUs so those of us who like the characters and world can still enjoy Harry Potter stories. I found a great deal of well written fan-fiction that is certainly far more credible and much less plot-hole ridden. This one is off to a very good start.
harry garbage chapter 2 . 7/5/2019
I agree with you 100 percent here. Dumbledore is the poster-boy, the very embodiment of that old saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Anyone who would knowingly subject a child to 16 years of enslavement and abuse in order to brainwash that child into his loyal servant and then set that child up to suicide against an enemy that his own actions and inaction created, is utterly disgusting and reprehensible.

While his goals may have been good, his methods were truly evil and thus in the end Dumbledore through his own actions proved to be every bit as evil as Voldemort. For it is our actions and how they actually affect others is what truly define us, not mere thoughts that we are right or good. Dumbledore knowingly allowed the enslavement and abuse of an orphaned 15 month old infant and later used that same living, breathing, innocent child to suicidally take out an opponent in a war. You can't get much more vile than that.
harry garbage chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
A very good story overall. I am unfamiliar with the X-over source but it was still very enjoyable to read. Though, I will note that it is heavily religious and parts of me rebelled at some of the platitudes throughout since I lost my own faith while I was still young. My own experiences is why I rail against what was done to Harry without consequence in canon Harry Potter. I suffered a childhood similar to Harry's (mental/emotional abuse, starvation as punishment, locked in closets, servitude to adults) but also worse than Harry's canon childhood in that mine included a great deal of physical abuse as well. That combined with seeing so many other atrocities committed against innocent and defenseless children has cost God any faith I may have once had.

Mere "free-will" of man-kind should not absolve God of any responsibility for his creation. Most certainly not those innocent and defenseless that suffer because he refuses to act. Wouldn't you be upset if you saw an adult watching children play in a street and who saw a car coming towards those children but instead just stands and watches without raising any warning or making any effort as those children are run over? How is what God does any different in standing by and doing nothing but watching while others suffer? It seems like just about every day I read yet another news article that builds a bit more resentment towards God builds in me. Ones about children sold into sexual slavery in Asia or even here in the US. Or young girls/women suffering in their own version of enslavement, abuse and/or even being brutally murdered in most of the misogynistic Muslim cultures - ALL done in the name of God.

In many ways, I think Al Pacino's portrayal of Lucifer in "Devil's Advocate" said it best, "God is an absentee landlord." He doesn't truly care about us for if he did he would not allow the unchecked suffering of so many innocents. God is in many ways dead to the world - if He even ever existed. The world is in fact ruled by the credo "might makes right" since God has done NOTHING to stop that.

Think about it. By physical strength through violence or threat of violence and also through religious and educational control of girls from birth, men have enslaved the female population in many parts of the world. Or how about use of one's military might to force others to their will or religious beliefs? Sound familiar? Both sides in The Crusades ring any bells? Or how about The Spanish Inquisition? The Salem Witch Trials?

How about the use of economic wealth in buying one's freedom from punishment for crimes like murder or buying children as sex slaves such as is VERY common throughout Asia and even here in America?

Each is a method in which the might of one group of people are exercising their "free-will" to harm others weaker than them. ALL unchecked by God. Whatever potential punishment that may await those who cause that suffering in the "next life" does NOTHING to stop the suffering here and now. It does nothing to restore the shattered mind of an 8 year old girl raped on her way home from school. It does nothing to help a child locked in a closet, beaten and starving. Where is God for those people? Why does he do nothing if he truly even exists? And don't give me that useless platitudes regarding not understanding God's will and God's "plan." Because that is mere blind faith and sycophancy. It makes anyone spouting that NO different than the people who blindly followed Dumbledore no matter his atrocities because no matter who suffered it was for some nebulous "greater good" that the other person suffered.

So why does God deserve our reverence and thanks for existence when that existence is filled with the suffering of innocents? While suffering does indeed teach, what can a child raped and murdered at age 5 hope to ever learn from their suffering and death? What can He hope to accomplish in driving others away from Him in disgust over His refusal to aid those of His creations that are defenseless and suffering under the "free-will" of the strong? Especially when it was His "gift" of free-will to man that causes it all?

Expecting blind-faith in the possibility of something better in some supposed "after-life" seems rather stupid but by all evidence seems to work for a sizable chunk of the population nonetheless. Although it is shown to be more likely that they have that blind faith because either it was indoctrinated into them as children or by those who "believe" as a "just in case" (aka FEAR) that there really is something in the next life and they want to escape any punishment.

*sigh* Sorry about that bit of a rant. As I said, I did really enjoy the story as it was indeed beautiful. I just wish that God and/or his angels really did do more than just watch as people suffer and die. Added this to my Favorite Stories list.
alphadovah11 chapter 3 . 9/23/2018
It is Minerva Mcgonagal
Master of truth chapter 11 . 7/29/2018
the maker is false. the chantry itself has served as a political tool for many centuries now. will not be the one to sully it. for it has been sullied already. bot chantries have expulsed the canticle of shartan and pronounced it heretical. because it encouraged slaves to rebel. because orlais coveted the dales. let us. then. glance at our true selves the mirror. the exalted marches of the dales had nothing to do with the dales refusing to accept the maker's truth. truly. why has the chantry never marched on the avvar. then?they tend to put them missionaries heads on pikes far more often than the elves ever did. look at yourself in the mirror. you know the truth well enough. there have been no exalted marches on the avvar because no one wants the icy hells and watery graves they inhabit. that is all. the maker belief was created by the first the emperor of orlais. he use Religious belief a tool to wash brain of the people of Thedas.
The reason he did all this is because he wants to expand his empire. He was a greedy pig. Leave your comment here. I know I don't have an account. I'll be back in the next 24 hours.
daru mona chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
down calm my friend i'm kidding
daru mona chapter 15 . 5/17/2018
I will own South Africa and your people becomes my slaves and i am your king
Guest chapter 16 . 5/17/2018
pee pee pee all hail the fucking hero. Who owns the world with his hands
Guest chapter 16 . 5/17/2018
shit shit shit all hail the fucking hero
Guest chapter 16 . 5/17/2018
dang dang dang all hail the fucking hero
the fucking hero chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
the insane lord. you want know is who *the guest*?
he call himself *the fucking hero* you idiot nigger
Listen here idiot. i'm the judge of fanfiction and I have the right to judge the story of others. Bow to your master. you fool nigger
Valtion chapter 16 . 4/20/2018
It has been a long time since a story has made me smile. Thank you.
Dumat chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
This is a story that has long been since completed. It has its good moments, and it has its bad moments. A well thought out idea and a developed plot line with some minor hiccups along the way. A deviated canon of both Dragon Age and Harry Potter, in terms of magic, lore, and character perspective (although we can forgive this because after so much time - the lore has evolved over the years. Therefor, present lore might not equate past lore.). Interesting characters, less interesting Original Characters, and everything inbetween. Minor grammatical errors that are easily overlooked, and greater plot synthesis that keeps the readers attention. Outside of the generalized blandness that comes from the bashing elements (though they are developed quite well further in), there is little to detract from this story. Overall, a good and interesting read.

Now, to address another issue. Who the **** is the ‘guest’ who blew up like a 100 plus reviews with utter BS reviews? It’s the same person, they all have the same crappy grammar. If they honestly had some to say, they can put in more effort than 7 words per revire. It is deceitful and makes this fic appear to have more dedicated readers (even though it’s completed) than it actual has, AND is an insult to the author. They put in time and EFFORT to write/edit/publish this work. Instead of puffing up your Good Samaritan ego, actually REVIEW! Tell the author how well (or poorly) they did. Enough of this fake reviewing.
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