Reviews for Trapped
sb4ever chapter 12 . 3/23/2015
Great to have a Marco story! You did not pull any punches when describing the difficulties Marco had in finding a place. But he rise above it all and conducted himself as a person of integrity.

I especially liked the part where Johnny shared with Marco how the whole team noticed how he treated the departed with such reverence and dignity making the loss a little more bearable for everyone. It takes a special kind of person to do that.

Well done!
Ginger S chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
Sometimes it takes something drastic to open people's eyes. I'm glad everything worked out for Marco.
susan chapter 12 . 1/29/2012

awesome! it was great that it worked out for marco.

glad papa lopez took the boys and send them to there uncle to work off the debt with very hard labor and now have to pay rent on top of that too. glad mr lopez is sticking all those boys for the damage done to marco's home and have to pay for it(which I'm sure there cheesed off to the max) glad marco's neighbors met every oen and also came to the feeding by mama lopez and also a later barbeque from his crew and the neighbors it was a very good story and I enjoyed it a lot thank you for the great read and please keep writing and I wil keep reading please & thankyou )
trout1986 chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
Well thought out and written.

I was a good read. I would love to read a story on Johnny's horse ranch,

CapLovesGregandJames chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
There's only one bad thing about this ended! What a great story. I'm so glad to see Marco being accepted as a person and having great relationships with his neighbors. He deserved it so much and I'm so glad this story had such a happy ending but sad it ended!

Just a terrific story. And awesome that it centered around someone other than Johnny and Roy. It just makes me want to give Marco a big hug!
paige chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
Another great chapter! I'm glad marco talked to the neighbors. That way he wont be looked down upon.
jada951 chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
great story.

And i like hope Marco took the bull by the horns and talked to the neighbors. That had to be uncomfortable, but it worked well.

Thanks for the enjoyable read.
Avirra chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
Nice to see Papa Lopez finally laid down the law. Thanks for an enjoyable read.
jmss7 chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
Hooray! Marco is no longer living in squalor or being misjudged by his neighbours! Lessons learned all around - and hopefully a huge one by his family. Nicely done.
starlight guardian chapter 12 . 1/29/2012
Awesome, terrific. I love how the crew came over to help Marco once again, I am so glad his papa and Uncle Ernesto are "curbing" the rest of his family's enthusiasm for a good time. And its too bad, the neighbors had to find out that Marco's a great guy because of a fire. But best of all, I loved the ending where he is inviting the neighbors over for Mexican food! Love Mexican food, lead the way!
simbatigerchet chapter 11 . 1/27/2012
Just finished reading the first 11 chapters of this terrific story. The only thing is I thought there would be a bit more Chet and Marco friendship stuff. But other than that, it is great. Can't wait to read the rest.
sg1robinson chapter 11 . 1/27/2012
Go Marco! I'm so glad Marco didn't let his family get away with destroying his new home. I hope that his neighbors understand the situation. Write more!1 Write faster!1
Avirra chapter 11 . 1/27/2012
Nothing like family. Thankfully. Poor Marco.
starlight guardian chapter 11 . 1/27/2012
Oh boy, poor Marco. Now will his neighbors be up in arms or commiserate because he was not home. I would be infuriated, and I would be calling be the parents, this is awful. I would also be getting legal advice.
susan chapter 11 . 1/27/2012

oh they had a heck of a nerve breakign into marco's home .

I'm glad the neighbors call the police .

I hope marco's parents don't get mad at him for thishaving them arested.

as for the neighbors I hope they don't hold it against marco for this he was working. he wants to be nice to his neighbors and get along w/ them hopefully they will seeing marco as a very nice guy and a good neighbor. he helps people. maybe something will hapen to one of the neighbors and they need marco's help. maybe they will have a change of heart.

please keep writing and I will keep reading it... please & thank you.

sorry about spelling errors cut my finger tuesday on a paper shreder ( yes I had it shut off so I was very lucky I didn't lose my finger) well I was taking the shreded paper out of the bucket and the darn thing fell forward and cut my finger in 2 places ( I couldn't have stitches no skin to stitch) so I'm ok so don't worry .. susan
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