Reviews for Resolutions
miawmiaw chapter 6 . 6/20
I wish Bella took up Charlie’s offer yo arrest Emmett. Even if just to male him sweat a
Guest chapter 12 . 5/30
That was enjoyable. Thanks.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/30
Doesn't Jerkob realize if just one of them bite him he would die a slow very painful death.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/26/2019
Charlie could have charged Emily & every person including Billy present when he drove up with being an accessory. They are way to lenient. He may not have jurisdiction on the reservation but that doesn't put them above the law.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
i certainly understand Bella not wanting to become engaged right after the Cullen's return. Her reasons are really her parents but she's had it drummed into her always. Still, if she expects her preconceived ideas to be respected, then she should also respect Edwards preconceived ideas. Fair is fair after all.
Anyway good story. I hope Charlie & or Jacob won't become overbearing character's in this tale.
sarabo chapter 12 . 9/15/2019
This was such a wonderful story. So imaginative and full of love. I did sort of missed the hybrid baby but I will not miss her name! I think what the Cullen family needed was a baby, but that's just my opinion which doesn't count for much. Thank you.
petmom1213 chapter 12 . 6/18/2019
I loved the 2 stories. Thank you for writing and sharing them.
Guest chapter 12 . 2/1/2019
I so enjoyed this story
Sassyvampmama chapter 12 . 12/30/2017
Thanks for sharing
AHealingRenaissance chapter 12 . 3/15/2017
I love this one too! :D
ChristyWIX chapter 12 . 10/13/2016
Ah, full circle, that was lovely. Very funny that Emmett lost Prancer to the wind, ran after him, popped him and that Alice already had another new one waiting. I enjoyed that scene. I really liked the car exchange. I loved that Edward got her a restored Chevy truck. He really does listen to her wants and needs. Or, he listened to Rose. Either way, I loved his choice, as it made her very happy. Edward was definitely quite happy with his new Vanquish. The dance was fun. The unexpected topic of all the boys that have wanted Bella through the years. Then Bella hoodwinking Alice into shopping with Sherry. At least Jasper gave her a renewed way of looking at it, which made her feel better about having to do so. Oh, too little of her letting him into her head. Way too little. Needed more of that, it was fabulous. Adored Grandma Swan and Elizabeth out on the balcony watching how very happy the two of them are. I very much enjoyed this story. From the first, through this sequel. Quite enjoyable. Very fun read. Thank you for sharing your imagination. ~Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 11 . 10/13/2016
Very strange that Jacob came all that way, just to be an asshat. Against the alpha and elders orders, at that. Dick. Well, I am glad they now consider all of the Cullen's in that treaty. However, I do wonder what happens if they go back to Forks in a hundred years. Will they be waiting to pounce, ready to kill. *shivers* By then, the elders could be Sam and Jacob, if they've stopped their aging for a while. I hate shopping. I love that I can get everything online as far as that goes. Well, I don't mind grocery shopping. Target maybe once every six weeks for all the bath and personal products. Shopping a mall though, no thank you. You will only catch me in bed for Black Friday. More power to the shoppers out there. Knock yourselves out. I really liked that you had both Bella and Rose shopping together with Alice and Esme elsewhere. I loved the bonding they did. The light green dress for Bella and the deep rose for Rose, was a very nice change. Swapping shoes and stories. Loved that Bella set 'Tim/Jim' in his place, once again. I hope he doesn't run into Renée and mention that he just ran into her daughter. I love the name Phil and Renée have chosen for their son. That made me weepy. Bella can never speak to her mom again. She'll never meet her brother. I am happy that it lifts Renée's spirits though. That is good. At least Bella has Charlie. Hopefully, he will come to visit. And, at least he can talk to Sue about it and not be breaking any laws at all. Loved the Civil War chess set for Jasper. What a great idea. I also really like Rose and Bella car shopping together. Searching for a new car for Edward and Rose telling her that she should get another truck. One that goes faster. Fun scene.
ChristyWIX chapter 10 . 10/13/2016
You are right, as far as Tanya. She didn't know that Edward was married and mated so, you can't blame the woman for trying once again. It would've made Bella feel awful when she learned that. Doesn't make Tanya any less slutty. It is quite remarkable that she has this shield to protect against the smells. However, shouldn't she acclimate herself, just in case? What if they want to fly someday and she has her shield up, something distracts her, just like at the party and she takes out the entire plane before Edward can stop her? Morbid? Yes. Practical? Absolutely. I really liked that she was able to protect all of them from the smell of blood. Well, the smell of everything. I really hope that she will be able to at least drop it enough that Edward can read her. I love when writers to that.
ChristyWIX chapter 9 . 10/13/2016
Okay, the conversation Bella had with Jasper and Emmett was absolutely hilarious. "What the hell is a tampon? Do you eat it?" . . . so effing funny. I was very glad that they followed her when Jasper had a very bad feeling about this. I figured it would happen kind of like this but, you did throw me off with it exploding and Edward not being able to get there quick enough. I loved that Jasper grabbed her out, bloody and all, holding his breath and running back to the house. Emmett calming him when he accidentally took a breath. His idea to get Edward's venom that was in the syringe's, was brilliant. Alice seeing that everything will be fine. I also really liked that Charlie was there to see her, after the accident but, before the change. Understanding and happy that she has this opportunity. So happy he will cover up for them. Smart idea to have both Edward and Bella perish in the explosion. The wolves can suck it. They broke the damn treaty first . . . TWICE! So, if they can split hairs, so can the Cullen's. I really liked that she woke up so happy. And, early! Her shield protected her through the transition, that is why she wasn't screaming in agony. And, it clearly encompasses both Bella and Edward when she wants it to. That was evidenced in the fact that Edward didn't hear Tom and Sherry. That was fantastic that she didn't smell them either. As far as your preview . . . effing Tanya . . . grrrr.
ChristyWIX chapter 8 . 10/13/2016
I am elated that Charlie did figure it out, he just wanted the confirmation that Bella was not about to give him. Not wanting to betray her new family. It would also firmly place Charlie in danger for knowing the truth, if the Volturi exist in this tale. I really liked the wedding and their rushed 'I do's'. Very sweet. I loved him bringing her back up the aisle and them dancing alone to her lullaby. Very lovely scene. I very much loved your twist on their arrival at Isle Esme. With him carrying her in and having a look on his face like he wanted to devour her, yet not as food. Very sexy. Having them shower together was fantastic. He was fully different in this with no tentativeness at all. Love, love, loved that. Starting in the shower with admitting he has fantasies of her and washing her hair. The licking and fingering in the shower, was very unexpected and I loved that you wrote it that way. Him drying them off so quickly then taking her to the bedroom. No hesitation, just absolute love and caring. Very good first time. Having him standoffish for only a brief time. And, from the preview, we get no baby . . . hallelujah! Thank you. Amazing chapter and loved it all.
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