Reviews for Code Geass: The Corrupted
Dragonheart Of Ireland chapter 39 . 10/8/2016
This is an awesome story!
kuroneko chapter 37 . 6/1/2014
Is it just me or Suzaku seems to be even more hell bent on justice than in canon? Great story in any case, a shame it doesnt have more reviews. I noticed though that you arent really developing the characters, its more about the not sure you did this on purpose, if you did then the story is really good...
Guest chapter 13 . 4/25/2013
I stopped reading this less than a quarter into the first chapter.. can't anyone right something a little more realistic if not more Canon like?
Anime Eyeball Fetish chapter 3 . 5/27/2012
Uh... okay then. I guess I was completely unprepared for... whatever this is. I've never even looked at Guilty Gear, so I'm a bit lacking in knowledge of most of the things you're talking about here, but it seems fairly straightforward so far. The dialogue is a lot more normal, and Lelouch with glasses confused the hell out of me but I guess it works.

Your description of combat, brief as it was, is very good. Especially with how you fit dialogue into it. A bit too much use of ellipsis, but I do that sometimes too when I write and so do a lot of other authors.
Anime Eyeball Fetish chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
I read the note on your profile, and while I don't think I'm the best critic of what anyone could call writing, I've been reading stories like this for eons so I'll do my best to review and give feedback on your writing style. The story caught my eye and I plan on reading it anyhow, and I do enjoy this sort of thing.

For this chapter, the style of dialogue that is used between Suzaku and the Lamperouges seems rather... forced. It feels like Suzaku drank a thesaurus. Then again, I have absolutely no idea where you're going with this in terms of the setting, so that might be something I'll have to get used to if all the language works like this. Definitely an interesting introduction, though, with the storytelling bit. That was incredibly well-executed, and was what drew me to keep reading in the first place.
chronodekar chapter 39 . 5/26/2012

I'm familiar (from another board) with *some* of the issues. Please pass on to Merlin that there are some of us who are praying that he gets better soon.

I'll lend him whatever spiritual strength he needs.

OBSERVER01 chapter 38 . 5/14/2012
another good it up
Demon of Zero chapter 36 . 4/8/2012
... So. i have to ask, is Rivalz the Gaia assasin dude? I don't know why, i just feel like it seems to be him...
ReploidCat chapter 35 . 3/27/2012
Cliff hanger to the epic fight scene that's about to happen... Now I want the next chapter :(
chronodekar chapter 35 . 3/27/2012

The interaction between Kallen and Zero has my head spinning with conspiracy stories. I'm guessing that was your goal?

And the whole deal between Lelouch and Suzaku. It's befuddling. What could be the gain there?

Sooner or later, Lelouch's "sister" WILL be a problem. I don't quite anticipate anything on that front for chapters to come, but the current battle,

has me longing for more!


chronodekar chapter 34 . 3/21/2012
"An Unknown Person" my foot!

I'll go on a small diet if it isn't C2 who wrote this entry! Nicely done, by the way, though, (and it could just be me), but for some reason, I felt that it was a MALE who made this entry. It wasn't until the very end, that I realized it was C2. Who else, calls Lelouch "Little Gear" in this fic?

Thanks for the re-run,

chronodekar chapter 33 . 3/20/2012
Wow ! Another good chapter.

You know Merlin, there is one thing that really intrigues me about this story, and it's how captivating it is. Just about every section, draws me in. I nearly skipped over the last bit of the current chapter, but for the most part, the story keeps me interested.

That, or it's your fast updates. I think it's a bit of both.

I'm looking forward to a recap. It would be nice to get everything again without reading ALL the earlier chapters.

Thanks for the chapter,

Demon of Zero chapter 23 . 2/25/2012
... Alright, I really don't know why this story has so few reviews. And on that note, I just gotta ask, were Nina and Lelouch doing what I think they were doing? Or was it just another one of those things in which we make our own assumptions, and are later laughing at ourselves because of how wrong we were? I honestly prefer the former. LuluxNina is a pairing I like.
chronodekar chapter 32 . 2/24/2012
Thanks for the nice chapter Merlin ! Another good one, as usual.


chronodekar chapter 31 . 2/20/2012

FF did have some log-in issues a few days back.

Wonderful chapter, as usual. I'm not sure about the family name thing.

Occasionally, do you think you could sprinkle a "recap" chapter or so? The student council chapter is useful, but as the plot progresses, things do get complicated and a quick recap would do wonders for those of us who .. well, get a bit lost.

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