Reviews for Fuyuki's Curiosity
Guest chapter 21 . 6/12/2017
Finish the story please
flamingheathen chapter 21 . 1/25/2017
Please do continue this lovely story :3
Guest chapter 21 . 7/28/2014
Can't wait for the next chapter risk if this got through the dang device is on the fritz
Guest chapter 21 . 4/9/2014
Please please please continue!
michaelgiles94 chapter 21 . 3/7/2014
I don't know what to say other than
You've captured the persona of kululu in a down right scary manner
Giroro could use a little more awkwardness
And need a side thing between momoka and fiyuki
ShimmerfurluvsSesshomaru chapter 21 . 2/10/2014
Love it!
Himaru chapter 21 . 12/30/2013
This is really well done! I'm not sure how to write a review but wanted to compliment you on your work and thank you so much for posting it
StuffedCrustLord chapter 21 . 10/19/2013
DancingDragonGirl9 chapter 21 . 6/30/2013
OMSQUEEE! This story is just squee*is fangirling too hard to finish sentence*
ne, natsumi's dad was informed with hilarious results, what might happen were someone to inform giroro's dad and brother β3c kukukukuku!
FlowerBlooms chapter 21 . 3/19/2013
Please update soon! I love this story X3
FlowerBlooms chapter 19 . 3/19/2013
Natsumi find the photo's of her in Giroro's belt! What will happen next? :) This story just got more juicy
then before! XD
FlowerBlooms chapter 18 . 3/19/2013
Cute chapter with Giroro and Natsumi :3
FlowerBlooms chapter 16 . 3/19/2013
Great job on the father, guess that's where Fuyuki got so interested in paranormal stuff.
NinjaPrincess chapter 21 . 3/19/2013
Yeaaaaaaaa natzumi and giroro 4ever! :3! It's muh fav humanXkeron couple except 4 Dororo and Kuyuiki! It's so friggin CUTE! Luv dis little story series thingy! Please keep it up! :3! Oh, and please have natzumi and giroro fall in luv I would like that! Thanks! :3!
FlowerBlooms chapter 9 . 3/18/2013
Good story so far, wonder what will happen next?
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