Reviews for Recruitment
Damaster00777 chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
Excellent. I like the story for the Pyro. Also, I wanna see you go kill a bunch of people in the name of the Lord.
Damaster00777 chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
Excellent. I like the story for the Pyro. Also, I wanna see you go kill a bunch of people in the name of the Lord.
CrazyGirlMe chapter 2 . 1/10/2012
Hehehehe. I liiikkkee. Nice job : P

Keep em coming : D

CrazyGirlMe chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
What? no reviews? my gosh, im only getting around to reading this now cos Ive been busy as well as working on my own fanfic.

Now cos you said the three magic words ill review, even known i was more then likely to review before hand, i have to damn Andrew Ryan for giving a who new meaning to 'would you kindly' : D

This has some serious potential, i really like it! i usually turn off of female characters because people tend to make them too girly, honestly its a turn off, (i mean they are surrounded by crazy as well as bunch of guys how can one still remain girly?)but i love what you done with Pyro, its perfect, its the way i pictured her, real feisty and crazed (and this is coming from someone who still writes their Pyro as an it even known i believe its a girl)

seriously cant wait to she how the others were hired lol, good stuff. you have my vote : P
