Reviews for The Four Kingdoms
Akashi chapter 54 . 2/7
I really love the story! This is one of the best!
Guest chapter 54 . 1/30
I really love all the story! RenxAnna Forever!
Guest chapter 54 . 1/28
Best ending! I love It so much!
radiance51 chapter 54 . 1/24
This is the best ending for this story. I'm crying as I write this. The right time came for everyone and it's so beautiful. T_T Thank you for writing this. 3
Guest chapter 54 . 1/22
Oh god! You maybe don’t believe me, but I have tears! It’s beautiful. I like a lot RenxAnna, but YohXAnna is Just as breathe. I felt all the sadness and yeah, the hapiness. Ren deserved an oportunity, and he had It. More children, more and more peace. And later, the eternity with old lovers. Forever.

Thanks for Sharing this beautiful story!
Guest chapter 54 . 1/22
Omg! I cried a lot, but I love It! Thank you! For everything
Elle Pellano chapter 53 . 1/19
Finally someone said it. Thank you!

Yes, Yoh did ask Anna to wait. She refused and he did not know how to handle that response. Why? Because they did not have any clear relationship that time. She never said I love you to him while he made his feelings for her known to everyone during the third war. So in Yoh's mind, why would Anna wait for him if she already had Ren who he thought was better than him in all aspects after the crown was given to Hao and he just became the King's messenger. That was of course, his mistake. He should not have made assumptions. Haha. The whole mission was an opportunity for him to learn how to negotiate and to pursue people even if they said no.

Now why did Anna say no when Yoh asked her to wait? It's because she had trained him to man up and take responsibility. It would be selfish of her to say, "Please stay because I need you here with me." when Kasai is crumbling.

So there... I hope this clears things up. Last chapter will be posted within the week. I'll try to respond to some questions in the comments in the mean time. Thanks for all your support!
Guest chapter 53 . 1/19
I don't know why everyone says that Yoh didn't ask Anna to wait, if she told him that she hated waiting and that she wouldn't, she let him go to his mission. That was her answer when he asked in his last talk. Or is it everyone skipped it?

"As soon as we return to Kasai..." The prince reluctantly approached her. "I will come visit from time to time but I don't know exactly how long it would take to complete the mission... I know it's just wishful thinking but... Can you please wait for me?" The prince put his hand over her shoulder but she did not turn to face him.

"Like I said. I hate waiting." She pulled his hand off without looking at him. "Go and serve your kingdom like a good royal would."

Or I am wrong?

Guest chapter 53 . 1/18
Ren really cant catch a break. Is this what they mean by nice guys finish last? He’s been nothing but a sweet heart but people keep doing him dirty (Jeanne, Hao and Yoh). So Ren and Anna cant get married cause the child becomes illegitimate? Wouldn’t he be unless Ren goes on and marries Jeanne ( which i really hope she doesnt even if she’s dying). Cant Ren and Anna just decide to legitimize the kid?

Really liked the convo at the end between Ren and Anna. Kudos to Anna for being so mature about it and understanding that Ren needed her as a friend at that moment. Quite comforting that there was no addes drama on this part

Yoh’s reason was kinda lame to be honest. The one where he thought that another monarch was more fitting for another monarch. I actually kinda think that two monarchs marrying each other is more complicated. And if he wanted to prove himself first then he should have been clear about it and ask if Anna was willing to wait (kinda like how Ren asked Anna a few chapters ago if she wanted to remain his fiance). Falling asleep during a ceremony that he intended to stop really shows how determined he is at this. Kinda douchey to have taken advantage of one dude’s situation and sway Anna at the garden (since Anna would have been pissed at Ren at the moment)
Guest chapter 53 . 1/18
Yoh is cute
yehey chapter 53 . 1/18
That unfolded in the most messy way possible. Marco just went ahead and blurted everything out in public. Yikes! I hope that there was more emphasis on Ren actually being sexually assaulted.

I was fairly entertained with how Hao was acting before but what he did was such a di*k move and so manipulative. I feel so sorry for Ren. And I just don’t get Yoh anymore. Why was he planning to stop the wedding publicly instead of talking to Anna before the wedding and persuade her to cancel instead. They just declared peace between the four kingdoms but the twins have zero respect for Ren.
Guest chapter 53 . 1/17
This is so cool!
Elle Pellano chapter 53 . 1/17
I had to post another update because I forgot to write down Ren and Anna's conversation. You can find it on the last part of this chapter.
Guest chapter 52 . 1/15
Please update so soon
Guest chapter 52 . 1/12
Could you do two finale?
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