Reviews for Trouty Mouth and the Leprechaun
RoryFlan-Gleek chapter 4 . 7/11
Christmas such a good storyline for the boys.
I see you’re taking away from the actual Christmas episode. It’s a little weird but it’s pretty good. Also I’m wondering why Rory would play basketball? I found him more as a soccer kind of guy.
I feel like Sam and Rory are at odds right now. It’s just a feeling I’m getting but it’s weird.
That was a good ending to your Christmas episode storyline. I like how you stayed with the episode or the Sam and Rory part of the episode.
Those Christmas gifts were amazing, really well thought out!
Sam’s dyslexia is really interesting. I’m going to like reading about it.
I just finished the chapter and it was really good. 7/10
RoryFlan-Gleek chapter 3 . 7/10
I loved reading that last two chapters, let’s continue on!
So Sam is scared that he won’t live you to Rory’s standards? It’s a very good question and Uhh it’s so cute.
It’s really weird reading about the Santana bashing because of what’s happening with Naya right now. I’ll just try to ignore it and continue on.
Damn I wouldn’t expect Sam to watch gay porn so easily. I guess he’s tougher than I thought.
OMG why would do that? I really thought that was real and not a dream. I was cheering on Rory and Sam and now it didn’t happen whyyyyyyyy?
I love Stacy so mush now that was a perfect wish.
Wow so Mike, Blaine and Brittany know, Sam and Rory need to be more secretive about their relationship.
Why Blaine why? Kurt is going to tell someone I just know it.
That was a steamy smut scene but it was well done and I liked it. I like how Sam is evolving to this new experience, and it’s fun watching him and Rory learn together. Good Chapter and I can’t wait for more!
RoryFlan-Gleek chapter 2 . 7/10
Chapter 2 let’s go!
Okay I’m really liking that Sam and Rory are having a strong friendship right off the bat. It’s refreshing and nice.
OMG OMG Sam kissed Rory yesssssss. That’s such a good first kiss.
I’m getting a real Brittany vibe from Rory as he talks to Sam, I don’t know why but it’s comforting.
You are a genius! The way Sam asked Rory out was so smart and unique I love it. Another Blam scene yes!
I kind of wished that the Sectionals scene could have been longer. It would be nice to see Rory’s first competition, but it still was good.
The entire first date was magical, and the kissing scene was very heated. I deffenetly want more of them getting closer. And aww, they’re boyfriends now yes!
Did you just make Brittany eat shit? Well that was an intersesting event… I guess.
Good chapter and I’m deffenetly wanting more out of Sam and Rory’s relationship.
RoryFlan-Gleek chapter 1 . 7/10
Hi, I’ve already read this amazing story a couple of months ago, but now I’m going to be review every chapter as I read it. I’m starting Chapter one now.
I like how you want to make Glee’s episode problems go further than the actual episode, it should make things interesting.
I’m really enjoying how you are solving the issue with Evan’s money problems. Also I get that we didn’t know that Sam was a senior until later on in Season three, but Sam being a senior is just really weird. I’ll probably say this a lot throughout my reviews so I’m sorry for that.
Dang I really feel bad for Sam when the Glee club isn’t giving a good welcome back. They could have at least accepted them with all their problems.
Rory entrance was genius! I love how Sam is immediately noticing his eyes and accent, and how he is supporting him even though he doesn’t know Rory.
That Stripper joke was really funny!
Sam and Rory talking for the first time was really sweet, and you’re doing Sam’s confusion part really well. It’s very interesting.
Aww Rory got slushied that makes me sad. Sam staring at Rory is so relatable it’ so good, and I love that Rory is just as confused as Sam is.
That Blam scene was amazing, I love how immediately they have a good friendship. Blaine’s advice is spot on, and Sam’s confusion is very well written.
So Rory is a virgin and he’s waiting for someone special, hmmmm, intersesting. So Blaine thinks that Rory is slowly trying to tell Sam that he’s gay? Hhhhmmm, very interesting.
Really good first chapter, I’m already in love with Sam and Rory and their storyline, and I can’t wait to keep reading. Definitely a 9/10 in my book.
Guest chapter 47 . 4/9
I just finished it and I want to say that it really got kinda boring around the end. Also their should be a glee club reunion and you should add an epilogue just to close the story off for good and to make it right. But it was really good for the most part.
Guest chapter 47 . 11/10/2017
Amusing story, better in the first part even with so much drama; but good regardless over all. A few loose ends that could have been fattened for better flow; but for the most part not bad. Hopefully the homely Virginian happens to be related to a music producer; or something, so that his segment isn't left in the air. The same goes for using Ryder and Marley whom I was surprised weren't invited to the celebratory party after the vote. Perhaps the stunning black girl either ends up at McKinley and in the Glee Club; or Rory meets her again at Nationals...)
TVTime chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
Whoa, look, I never reviewed the first chapter way back when. I decided to do a bit of a re-read and it's bring back such delightful memories!

I love how adorably earnest and innocent Sam and Rory both were in these early chapters and how they were there for each other, even though they didn't understand the deeper significance that would have.

It was also fun watching Blaine and Sam connect for the first time and seeing Sam get his bearings at school again. I'm quite looking forward to reading on and reliving this epic romance!
Guest chapter 47 . 9/5/2015
I love this story and hope theres more
NeverEnoughYaoi chapter 14 . 7/9/2014
Still LOVING this story just FYI
NeverEnoughYaoi chapter 6 . 7/3/2014
I love how your chapter make it seem like I'm reading three chapters in one! SO MANY FEELS ABOUT THIS STORY!
NeverEnoughYaoi chapter 2 . 7/3/2014
Did you just make Brittany eat shit...that's really fucked up...poor Brit.
Love the rest of the Sory Story :P
LuckyDreamer91 chapter 47 . 6/23/2014
I just had to review after reading this far, because this story is the best that I have read in a very long time, it is now #1 in all the fics I have read ever. You have made me fall in love with this pairing and I will be checking out your other stories about these two as well, and the others about this amazing couple. I also wanted to say thank you for bringing me laughs and tears with this story, and I really hope there will be another season to it because there is still so much left unsaid, though I know life does not always give us the time to write but I hope you make some time for this, since now you have one more fan who might be just a little crazy. I would not be a good reviewer if I did not complaine about something, so I guess I will complaine that you should explain things more, I am not saying like indepth detail like Oliver Twist, but still just a little more then you already are. Hoping to see many more chapters in the future and once again thank you for writing this story, in my eyes it is the best.
Guest chapter 47 . 8/13/2013
I forgot asking but are you with plans of create something in this story due Cory dead?
Guest chapter 47 . 8/13/2013
AMAZING S ALWAYS! I was afraid that you had given up this fabulous story but I'm happy you didn't. So, I'm waiting for the final chapters of this season. Even though I don't know what are your plans for the future you should NEVER stop writting. Keep with the good work! chapter 47 . 8/4/2013
As always, perfect in every way! I really missed these boys while you were working on the other versions of them for your other story, and I'm so glad you went through the hard work of editing it! Thank you, again!
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