Reviews for future rust, future dust
mapmysoul chapter 1 . 7/29/2018
Just read this after binge watching the entire misfits series because i couldn't get enough of simon and alisha. I was contemplating whether i should write a review or not since this fic is nearly 7 years old but... I enjoyed it so much, i had to! ㅠ_ㅠ

The pacing worked perfectly with the structure of your story. I also found it really interesting that you used this particular point of view for writing (i usually dislike reading 2nd pov fics,,) but again, you made it work. The revert - revert - revert part honestly... gave me feels ㅠㅠ Oh, and the dialogue! It was on point! I could seriously imagine the characters saying the exact same stuff,

"It doesn't feel like an interruption in your life. It feels like something being slipped into place."
/God/ that had to be my 2 favourite lines of this fic asdfgghjkdllw

All in all, i enjoyed reading this fic soo much eventhough it was short ( it made me love alisha and simon even more)

Hope you have a lovely day,

- Z
Moody Peach chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
Lovely, absolutely lovely. Thank you for the wonderful read (as well as closure at the end). Also love how the title is a reference to the song playing during Future!Simon and Alisha's sex scene!
The Cuteness chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
poor simon
UglyTruth chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
If life was a book...ahh wishful thinking.

This is such great character development here. I loved reading it. The way you wrote actually put the images in my head. Really great stuff!
saltandsea chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
This is nothing short of wonderful. I can't think up a better way to describe it. Instant favorite.
Babydex chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
I wish I could "like" this story. I might just 1 it
markkl chapter 1 . 3/16/2012

But this is so good and your writing is so good and I want to cry because the END. God, I haven't even finished season three but I swear I'm not going to survive. I'LL NEVER BE PREPARED FOR THIS, I'VE SEEN ALL THE PHOTOSETS, ALL THE GIFS, AND NOTHING HAS PREPARED ME FOR THIS HELL. I need to get a freaking grip on my FEELINGS but going onto fanfiction and reading this did not help, I hate you, my GOD. But I love you and I love this fic and sdkssdkfsdfklsdlfkd everything, this ship. This ship is a fucking OTP forever and always. FAVORITING AND CRYING IN MY BATH, AS ALWAYS.
Rabbitoh chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
Brilliant, what an idea and so well executed
thecivilunrest chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
This is so beautiful I really don't even know what to do with myself. Or what to say. Or anything, really. I know I really suck, but this is just gorgeous and amazing and just, gah.

Your writing is always lovely, and this is no exception. The pieces are really short, but they are beautiful and make up a nice whole. This is just lovely. I adore it.
lightning veins chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
why the fuck are you so good at writing? like it is legitimately unfair how mindblowing this was. the choppy sections, the fragment pieces of their relationship, the constant motifs of 'stay or go,' 'everything is set in motion', 'revert' - and most importantly, the fact that it ends off with them being normal and happy and together. because simon and alisha are both flawless human beings and they SHOULD be together, they DESERVE to be together, and they never get the right chances and things never turn out the way they were meant to and askldskgj i loved every detail of this oneshot. idk my thoughts aren't coherent right now. just EVERYTHING IS SIMON/ALISHA AND NOTHING HURTS.

ok i'm rambling bye

-emmy :)
Radioactive23 chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
This is really beautifully executed and such a clever idea. I love it!
VampHime chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
I love this omg it's the perfect amount of confusing because revertrevertrevert
byzinha chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
OMG, my heart melted. It's like Butterfly Effect and it's awesome. OMG, I lack words, really. BEAUTIFUL.
Premise Oh Sum chapter 1 . 12/21/2011

This is completing so well all the thoughts I still have in my head. "What will Simon do? What could happen?"

So these are some answers!

Thx a lot for those, and thank you for this story!
suzybishops chapter 1 . 12/21/2011

that as just cray-cray. and i feel really depressed, and my head's to full, and just... gah. this is so simon and alisha and it's sad and beautiful and lovely and wonderful and i'm depressed and rambly.

asjgt. / because wow, you just broke my heart with your perfect words, and i think i want to marry this (and simon because he's perfect too.)just... so so good and... i hate you in the friendliest way, so yeah...

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