Reviews for What if Reid was taken by the UNSUB in 'Epilogue?
tannerose5 chapter 2 . 2/14/2017
Yes, I'm one of the few that ship Reid/Prentiss. I don't care about the age difference. 12 years ago, it might have seemed like a big deal, but now, in season 12, it's not a big thing. During 12.12, you could tell Emily really wanted to hug Reid, but didn't. TPTB better darn well start giving the guy something to smile about!

Anyway, I'm still wondering what Reid did that changed the afterlife.
tannerose5 chapter 1 . 2/14/2017
I wonder what caused the change in his future?
creativesm75 chapter 2 . 5/25/2015
JL chapter 2 . 1/19/2014
Ugh I wish Emily was still on the show :(
I ship those two soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
I want her to come back :(

dmfrancis7 chapter 2 . 11/24/2012
I think theyd be an awesome pair!
Narriel chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
These are brilliant! I love the alternate endings with Reid, I shall keep reading them!
EmeraldColoredPen-Z chapter 2 . 12/19/2011
Yes. Prenitss and Reid are awesome together. :D
Nymphadora-CullenBAU chapter 2 . 12/18/2011
Whoa! This was a good chapter! I'm sorry you're having a bad day... It's no fun at all!

Go Emily! You tell that UnSub that you won't play into his fantasy! He's gonna have to do better than that!

And I loved Reid going all Morgan on the UnSub... He just tackles and starts punching the guy! My goodness! And that was so sweet what he said at the end... :D

I agree, they really should be together; you aren't the only one there! ;)
lolyncut chapter 2 . 12/18/2011
Yes, I would love it if Emily and Reid got together.

I wonder what happened in Reid's life that would cause "the end" to be so different. He is so kind to everyone, and puts himself last.
RS11 chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Love it.
Nymphadora-CullenBAU chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Wow, that was fast!

Awesome job! That was pretty cool how you made Emily spot the UnSub as he was coming up behind Reid! I love how you had Reid try to talk the UnSub down, even though it was clear that it would be pointless. I was also very in character for him to beg the UnSub to let him go, and then to be afraid of the darkness.

I also loved how he told Emily what she saw, and that she was comforting him at the end.

I'm looking forward to Emily's version! :D
MysticFantasy chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
great story. hope emily's is just as good.