Reviews for Drabble Collections
Krxso chapter 3 . 4/3
I knew it was full of innuendo xp
Psyka chapter 19 . 12/15/2015
I love this one
Dream Bound Nightmare chapter 19 . 10/19/2013
hahahahahhahaha oh man that is brilliant!
Dream Bound Nightmare chapter 9 . 10/19/2013
hahahahaha that is funny!
FayTheWriter chapter 12 . 7/22/2013
You should make a longer story out of this! It would be so funny.
xXxOtAkU-444xXx chapter 19 . 11/29/2012
I like it! **
ChopSuzi chapter 19 . 11/20/2012
Chocolate Pencil chapter 18 . 6/16/2012
Once again, I am loving the ideas you come up with! And I have noticed that the drabbles keep on getting better and better, with more detail and character. I feel we are getting to know the characters more now. You give them things that make them different than anyone else. One of my favorites was the one "Cruel to be Kind." It was set off with a very melancholy beginning: "It was while I was dying that I realised I'd loved you, that I'd never hated you like everyone perceived, like the world had wanted to believe, and now that I am here looking down, watching you" and then ended bittersweet. It showed your voice, and how it is emerging.

There are still many run on sentences and comma splices. Remember that two independent clauses usually cannot be sepreated with just a comma; it has to be a semicolon or a period. I am sure this will continue to improve as you write more and more.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading your drabbles. They were creative and fun!

Chocolate Pencil

xXxOtAkU-444xXx chapter 18 . 6/15/2012
I like it! **
eirame chapter 18 . 6/14/2012
Nice, very nice.

Such a schort drabble, but it contains a whole universe and many possibilities : when did Harry discover his mastery of death and its real ? will he go out of Grimmauld ? will Kira exist ?

Thank you for your story. May you never lack inspiration.
Chocolate Pencil chapter 11 . 6/10/2012
Even though I am unfamiliar to many of these fandoms, I still admire the way you wrote the characters. They seem real to me, and you make their actions seem comical and funny. You don't have to rely on the reader's knowledge of a fandom to make it funny. For example, the one about Zero 1 and Zero 2. I have no idea what the fandom is about but that short little story made me laugh. They are not fully rounded, but they are not flat either.

This still had some run on sentences, which kind of detrated from the overall effect for me. Don't worry though, it can still be saved! SpellCheck is great for these sorts of things, and I think your great characterization will add flavor to whatever you write.
Chocolate Pencil chapter 5 . 6/9/2012
Hi! This is Chocolate here to review your fanfiction!

So far, I like the drabbles you have been doing. The voice in these drabbles particularily stand out to me. You are doing them from all different personalities and POVs, and you are making them all sound a bit different! Harry was annoyed, Renji was laid back and not eager to do work, Minvera was made as old and jaded, but still youthful.

Sometimes, though, I feel like the drabbles are lacking something. I understand that drabbles are meant to be short, but there is just a few pieces missing to the writing that I feel would really add to it. For example, the "Harry gets turned into a girl" story. I liked how you didn't explain the situation fully, leaving a lot up to imagination, but there could have been a little more background to make it more clear. The Thor/Loki story also had a strange transition- I understand you were trying to portray something and then have it be something else, but it seemed to abrupt and I didn't understand the first time through.

Also, there are a few run on sentences, or places that need semicolons instead of commas. Here "You can turn into a raven don't be surprised that I can turn into a cat" there needs to be a comma after raven. Think about a regular conversation. Where would you pause? That's where you put a comma. And here "With a sigh the now Girl-Who-Lived grabbed her bag and adjusted her skirt, it was going to take a long time to get used to that, and slowly walked out from behind the curtain to see the anxious faces of Ron and Hermione" the phrase you seperated by commas needs a semicolon or a hyphen. The comma is not strong enough.

Overall, I'm liking these so far. They have voice, style, and strong characterization. I'll review the next ones soon. :)

Chocolate Pencil

Cinsir chapter 12 . 6/6/2012
cool oneshots.

but for number 12. Only sons are named XXXXson. Thors sister would be Odinsdóttir.
kali yugah chapter 14 . 5/27/2012
yay thanks for the fem logan and clint drabble. make me want to really study both logan and clint to make this pairing into a avengers story.
The Pocky Machine chapter 13 . 1/23/2012
Awwhhmahhgawd this is adorable!
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