Reviews for New Beginning
Aquarica chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
Cute, cute, cute
BlackAndWhiteRoseWolf chapter 5 . 2/12/2014
Aw! That was so cute!
Sevran chapter 4 . 11/2/2012
Oh and btw. I think it would have been kinda sweeter and interesting if Tsuna did go to Italy, and time-skip. In where a more complex story, like this fic said, for Tsuna's mate to be Yamamoto. Just a comment though :D
Sevran chapter 5 . 11/2/2012
It was a nice story :D But, the part where Yamamoto said "Bye Tsuna." and Reborn answered "It doesn't have to be.." It would have been better for Yamamoto's line to have been "I guess this is Goodbye, Tsuna." But anyway. Good Work! There was a nice twist in the story :D
LyckyDycky chapter 5 . 8/28/2012
Sweet cute ending! The plot was good
falsedfaith69 chapter 5 . 2/7/2012
Wow awesome story i was hooked from the biggining, sorry i didnt comment in the other chapters i just couldnt stop reading. I love the way that you say that he is going to stay with yamamoto but then you switch it around to make it seem like if he is going to choose gokudera even though you say he is going to choose yamamoto. I knew he was going to stay with yamamoto but even then i was sad for yamamoto because i started to belive he was going to choose gokudera.

I did find a lot of spelling errors though my mind fixed them for me lol so i wasnt distracted that much by it. I just wanted to point it out and some words were missing or omitted by accident i would say. But overall AWESOME story!
sheepykitty chapter 4 . 1/16/2012
you updated again~, haha, I enjoyed this chapter too. I remember my eyes widened as I read Gokudera asking Tsuna to go to Italy with him... good thing Tsuna knows that Yamamoto is his one and only~

keep writing x3
ilYamaTsunali chapter 3 . 12/28/2011
Your welcome! Although I really didn't do much and I'm happy you liked the pictures!

Anyway I loved this chapter and I really want Tsuna to get a move on on picking Yamamoto! I love happy 8027 fanfics!

Thank you for updating and for contributing in the 8027 community. And I agree with your goal in writing until this couple is well-known! I will also try my best on this side!

Keep up the good work! :D
Catxmelons chapter 3 . 12/28/2011
Okay, straight up let me tell you this-

I enjoy reading your stories very, very much.

Don't be sad about the reviews you get. I've actually read most of your stories- they all deserve much more reviews than they currently have, that I can tell you honestly. I'm sure that soon, if you keep writing, people will notice you more, and your well written stories.

Keep at it! Just remember you love writing. X3
Catxmelons chapter 3 . 12/28/2011
Okay, straight up let me tell you this-

I enjoy reading your stories very, very much.

Don't be sad about the reviews you get. I've actually read most of your stories- they all deserve much more reviews than they currently have, that I can tell you honestly. I'm sure that soon, if you keep writing, people will notice you more, and your well written stories.

Keep at it! Just remember you love writing. X3
Ellenien chapter 2 . 12/23/2011
So, is Tsuna gonna accept Yamamoto or not? The suspense is killing me. -3-
ilYamaTsunali chapter 2 . 12/10/2011
oooh! Get them together already .! YAMATSUNA! EEEK!

Haha and don't worry about not getting much reviews... the 8027 community is in a standstill so yap! Anyway did you read the manga? there was like 8027 there hahah! XD
Kuro101 chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
This was a great story! Plz continue!
ilYamaTsunali chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
DARN IT REBORN! DON't SAY THAT! Tsuna an dYmamaoto are meant for each other TT

Good story please update soon!