Reviews for The Sound of Silence
MsLiss chapter 24 . 7/27
You wrote it very well I was right there
MsLiss chapter 18 . 7/27
Oh poor Edward
He us in love!
I’m so pleased they talked so honestly
Thank you
LaSpia chapter 30 . 3/22
Just re-read this story and loved it even more than the first time. At a scary time such as we are in today, the sweet love and devotion is such a breath of fresh air. Beautifully and thoughtfully written. Thank you, thank you. Stay safe and healthy!
ClaceLover08 chapter 30 . 2/26
i love this story it is awesome and I love this series :) & i hope Bella & Edward will have a Beautiful Wedding
JuleKiwi chapter 30 . 7/21/2019
Loved this!
AgathaRoesler chapter 30 . 11/2/2018
the sweetest story. I was in love with this couple.
I studied a little about the language of the deaf, called LIBRAS here in Brazil and it was fantastic to learn about this culture.
Thank you for your attention and dedication to this fanfic.
twiclare chapter 30 . 10/19/2018
A unique proposal, and a lovely story. Thank you for sharing!
twiclare chapter 29 . 10/19/2018
Renee and Charlie are lovely.
twiclare chapter 25 . 10/19/2018
Oh dear, I feel for both of them!
twiclare chapter 24 . 10/18/2018
That’s just horrible! I’m guessing James saw her there.
twiclare chapter 20 . 10/17/2018
I loved that Alice had made such an effort to be able to really get to know Bella. Nice to see Rosalie making an effort as well!
twiclare chapter 12 . 10/17/2018
Oh no!
twiclare chapter 4 . 10/16/2018
I’m loving this so far!
rjh1960 chapter 17 . 2/9/2018
Cute story. Many relationships have their various ups and downs. They can get thru this. I have perfect hearing and I would have not fit in at this party either. I always felt out of place a noisy college parties.
blondferretgirl chapter 30 . 10/31/2017
Love It!
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