Reviews for Don't Think I'm Trying Not to Learn
SeblaineAddict chapter 4 . 7/22/2019
Absolute perfection. Brilliant pacing and imagery. You set the scene in a way that made it so real one could almost reach out and touch.. I'd love to read more of this fic...
Lucifer the Fallen Angel chapter 4 . 1/6/2013
Fuuuuuuuccck! This story was pure perfection o.o I mean the whole this was just... Amazing and perfect and blargh too amazing!

I love these types of fics, where sebastian talks in French and god damn!

I have read pretty much every Seblaine fic out there and this is one of my favourites!

The way Seb portrays his emotions in this fic was super hot. And damn if submissive blaine and rough dominant Seb isn't hot then I don't know what is!

Here's to hoping you continue this story! .

marriedtojbiebs chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
Sebastian-speaks-French fics are always awesome. This one is hot too. Great work!
misutaki chapter 4 . 1/25/2012
I know that you have moved on to other fics (this one is marked as complete) and you have not commented on this one in a while, but dear god I AM BEGGING YOU to continue this one. I absolutely love the dynamics in the relationship that you have created and it really leaves a lot of questions/issues unanswered. I have only recently become an avid shipper of SeBlaine, but I have devoured the majority of the fanfics out there, and this is by far my favorite. I know a lot of authors are content with leaving questions unanswered and whatnot (I am one of them -.-), and obviously this story is yours to complete only if you choose to, but I am shamelessly begging you to write more on this. Last but not least, thank you for posting this.
Tamaki.Lover chapter 4 . 1/2/2012
AMAZING.,.,.,words cannot explain how incredibly enticing this story is please please continue!
Hebridean Black chapter 4 . 1/2/2012
fanning myself briskly whew, it's suddenly very hot in here!
Moreplease chapter 4 . 12/17/2011
I hope this is not the end of this story.
akelly318 chapter 4 . 12/17/2011
AHHHHHH amazing! loved it
TheFirstMrsHummel chapter 4 . 12/17/2011
Holy shit this was way hot and well written and I'm kind of a steaming mess of goo at this point. O_O

I see it's marked complete. I was kind of wishing it would go on forever. :) Hopefully you'll be writing something new soon!
crisser chapter 4 . 12/16/2011
This just keeps getting better and better! I love the Teacher/Student dynamic in this fic. It really is true, how Blaine is the tease. Love to see that portrayed! And this was super hot omg.
Aledda chapter 4 . 12/16/2011
Yep. This is pure genius. I love how emotional Sebastian actually is. I've never actually seen his and Blaine's relationship portrayed as Blaine being the one to do the teasing. But if you think about it he kind of is the tease here. I really enjoyed this.

Also, super hot!
TearThisCanvas chapter 4 . 12/16/2011
This fic has everything I've ever wanted ever omg. Perfect and flawless, all at the same time. Damn, Sebastian, I thought I was going to lose it.
lilli kitty chapter 4 . 12/16/2011
sweet baby jesus
Moreplease chapter 3 . 12/13/2011
This is getting really hot...
actress-xx chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
Ranibow2Malfoy - I’m starting to realize that I basically ship Blaine/prettymuchanybody, but Sebastian is definitely the front-runner for me right now. I love that Blaine has enough facets to his personality that you can imagine him behaving completely differently in sexual situations depending on who he’s with.

sunnyblueskies - Thank you! Sebastian is tricky, but I just lovelovelove his character; I’m glad you think I’m doing him justice.

lilly kitty - WILL GET, haha.

Aledda - Yay, awards! Thanks for another review, doll. It was actually responding to your last comment that made me go, “Oh, wait, now I see where this whole thing is going,” so I suppose I owe you a thank you for that too. ;)

JuliaHearts - Thank you, love! The next chapter should be up superduper soon.

Warblette - :):)

Missy - Haha, oh, my goodness, stop it; thank you so much. That review is perfect. ;)

TheFirstMrsHummel - Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it; an update is in the works, and should be up in a few days or sooner.

* Also, thank you to absolutely everybody who is favoriting / alerting the story; it’s appreciated!
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