Reviews for Dysfunctional Family Dynamics
CloudCarnivore chapter 7 . 7/23/2018
i love this sooo much but will Tyki and Lavi really be together?
stoicWanderer chapter 7 . 10/25/2017
I love it! It’s so funny!
Chris Emrys chapter 7 . 7/5/2017
Oh, I'm enjoying this story so much, the dynamics are so great and just, each of the characters are a blast to read. I enjoy Allen and Tyki friendship, though it is rather amusing how they meet. Part of me wonder if Tyki knows anything, or if the Earl do, but I guess we'll see.
I kind of like that Lavi and Allen are (half) brothers, it works so well too. I wonder about Cross, if he's going to show up again (or well, in which ways); and I wonder if the one the family wants to see is Allen or Lavi (I realize too we aren't told what is the picture Lulu sees, I thought it was of Allen, but now I wonder if it isn't Lavi).
Thank you for this great story~ I'll wait patiently for more
Dilapidate chapter 7 . 4/26/2017
It's 5:30am and I've just finished reading this fic so I apologize if this is a mite scattered compared to my usual, most likely already lacking, reviews. Also the time doesn't lend itself well to my ability to reach the words I'm looking for, but I'll do my best.

Continuing on, this review boils down to a few things. First of all, I love Allen and Tiki's relationship. It's very casual. Because of this, it's refreshing and relaxing compared to the conflicts taking place, and I appreciate the fact that they can just be themselves around each other.

Second, I adore the characterization and how you've integrated everyone into the AU. It's really a difficult thing oftentimes but I think you nailed it. Tiki being a somewhat eccentric artist is not something I'd even thought about, but it definitely fits. I also really enjoy Lavi in his entirety, especially how you've managed to fit in the different names and such in an unobtrusive way. It's something that gets overlooked a lot from what I've seen.

And lastly, though I suppose this is more personal preference than the other two, I greatly appreciate your writing style. It compliments the tone of the story perfectly, as well as being enjoyable in its own right. To be honest, after this I'm off to take a look at your other stories for that very reason.

And with that, I'll conclude this mess. Thank you very much for the story, and I do hope to read more of it someday, though I understand things like time and inspiration are not always condusive to this. Anyway, I hope you're having a wonderful day, and thanks again!
Saya chapter 7 . 4/6/2017
Oh god THIS IS SO GREAT. You write the characters so well and damn but Lavi and Allen as brothers is AMAZING. Also Tyki and Allen's relationship made of snark and weird conversations makes me laugh so much. And don't get me started on Tyki and Lavi... I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They're so cute !( And Allen acting all "hurt him and I'll hurt you" is perfect.) EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS FIC IS AMAZING and i wish i could just tell you every single thing i love about this and why but then I'd have to pretty much quote every line so... just know that this fic makes me very happy !
Chaos chapter 7 . 3/14/2017
Please update soon! I'm really enjoying your story!
Codename-SN chapter 7 . 2/10/2017


...I love you and this fic, really, but why? Why Tyki and Lavi? Lavi is Allen's brother —technically half-brother but whatever— here and now Tyki is... /sniffs/ I just want to know why.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/24/2017
The fuck! What about Poker pair!?
Ennael chapter 7 . 1/9/2017
I am saying to myself that I wait exactly for the same thing in each of your fanfic: that Allen meets the noah... (or in this case, the earl. Well, Sheryl too. Ok, i can't stand to see the first meet of Tyki, Lavi, Sheryl and Allen. That will be awesome, i can feel it) Well all right, my reviews is not very imaginative, sorry... But i love your story! please, continue to write! (i love exorcist and boy detective too, but i don't have anything to say abaout it. Even that i love this. And that i want the next chapter. Sorry...TT)
nothingheretoseedeletethisacct chapter 7 . 1/7/2017
The trials and tribulations of Mr. Tyki Mikk :)
dlt-acct-pls chapter 7 . 1/7/2017
Gaaah why must you tease me so with your borderline Poker-Pair-yet-not hinting aaaagh! QvQ
Panda Master X chapter 7 . 1/7/2017
mariana chapter 6 . 12/19/2016
ok first of all i have to tell you that i've read all of your man fics a long time ago and my favorite one was exorcist. I've read that fic like 100 times but i never wrote anything to you because i was shy and young but then one day man stopped being my main fandom so i stopped reading fics about it and then i kinda forgot about your stories but then i watched man hallow and yeahhh my love for it came back out of nowhere punching me in the face while i cried about how much i missed and then i started reading fics again and i found you and when i realised that you were 'exorcist' author i was overjoyed i'm not even joking you have no idea how happy i am that i found you and your stories again 3

and now i just have to tell you that omg your writing style is amazing! i mean it was always amazing but you've grown so much! it might me creepy for me to say this but i'm so proud of you and how much you've grown! congratulations and i hope you never get tired of writing because you have a talent for it u_u

i just love how you write Allen and what i'm about to say probably won't make sense but when i read your Allen i can actually feel what he feels? like for example on this story when he met Tyki i could see the scene playing on my head you know? and maaaaaan i LOVE when writers manage to do that and ohhh i'm so happy you didn't write him perfect? like he has lots of problems and he needs help and love and i just wanna hug him because he's just a boy but he's so strong and i wish i could tell him i'm proud of him how do i tell him that? pls help oh oHHHHHH can i SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE TYKI ON THIS STORY? i mean i love him anywhere but he's amazing here i love every part with him my beautiful artist bless his heart 3

ALSO PLEASE PROTECT LAVI? idk what will happen to him but damn he's such a good older brother what a great guy i love him please let someone hug him i just want that boy to be happy

i'm just so glad i found you again and i'm so glad that you're still writing and i'm so proud that you've grown so much! thank you for your stories 3
Guest chapter 6 . 12/11/2016
Omg please please please update! I wana know what happens! Im so glad a fanfic that is so awesome btw is mentioning tyki's resemblance to nea, i would love to read more!
Is there gong be some of my ultimate otp goodness (tyki x allen 3) i love those two so much
I've read all your fics, the way you write about tyki and allen's relationship is just so breath-taking and so real, please don't stop, and thank you for your awesomeness!
SilverRider09 chapter 6 . 12/5/2016
I do have an account but I can't be bothered to sign in so here I am reviewing as a guest. I love your ff. It's great-please, continue updating. :)
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