Reviews for counting the days
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
I'm gonna fucking cry
ALyn Pid chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
it just makes ke sad
ALyn Pid chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
It's just
Lovehiamu chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Bad idea reading this while listening to a sad song. Mommy wahhhhhh!
IarIz chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
I'm not crying ...
But this great ... In character and pain my heart in sad and bitterness...
Ai Mamoru chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
Not sure why I never reviewed this story. I've already read it so many times. Maybe because there are no words which can deliver how much I cherish this fanfiction.
I could never really made my piece with the manga because the ending (concerning Ayumu and Hiyono) kinda left me unsatisfied. But your fanfiction gave me answers, sure it's not canon (but could be concerning the IC-ness of Hiyono and Ayumu, especially the later one) but it gave me something a really needed to shelve "Spiral". Yeah I could have gave tought to my own dream-"ending" but it is not in the least as satisfying as to see someone write in down and make it "real" somehow. So thank you very very much for this fic. I hope I could give you a glimpse of how much I love this story. It'so great!
FadingNoctis chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
Adore it! AyumuxHiyono is one of my favorite couples! -
bells-mannequin chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
What a wonderful story. I loved it!
BoredPiglet chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
Beautiful :)
x Melodia x chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
Awwwwe! That is sooo cute! I have always admired ur work! Keep it up! :D
satomika chapter 1 . 12/14/2011

i feel like crying...

it feels so sad...
Azalee chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
Okay it's ridiculous, once again I've had this tab open for days waiting to figure out how to do a worthy review but apparently I just can't find the words, so I'll simply say this was marvelous, touching as ever, and I teared up a little thank you so much for ending on that light, happy (if not hopeful) note. Ayumu's light-hearted cynicism is perfect. Just beautiful :'')
mushyk chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
Ah, Hiyono and her trade secrets. That made me giggle so much. (As did Ayumu taking a jab at her age and sanity and everything else.) Absolutely wonderful~

My eyes most certainly watered when Ayumu talks about no one touching him of late... ): But then when he starts to hint at being romantic, he has to be a jerk again. I love it so much. Typical Ayumu. Did I ever mention you write the Spiral characters SO WELL? Well, you do. I could repeat myself forever. I really felt like I was reading a true extension of the manga with this. It felt bittersweet but yet...I don't know. Happy nonetheless.

This is a very lovely oneshot, you shouldn't be scared to write these two at all. Also, Kiyotaka's occasional presence amuses me greatly. (: Thank you for sharing!